16 Fictional Deaths I Will Never Get Over | The Odyssey Online
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16 Fictional Deaths I Will Never Get Over

These deaths made me an emotional wreck.

16 Fictional Deaths I Will Never Get Over
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1. Derek Shepherd

Pretty sure there's a special place in hell for Shonda Rhimes.

2. Mark Sloan

When the sexiest character on my favorite show died from complications in a plane crash, I didn't know how to move on.

3. Keith Scott

Not only was Keith wrongfully murdered by his own brother, but he never got to marry the love of his life.

4. Ma Petite

My heart was broken when the cutest freak on "American Horror Story" was horrifically smothered to death.

5. Bart Bass

The first time Bart Bass died, I was in complete shock. Then when I found out he wasn't actually dead, I felt as though I didn't know what was real anymore. When he finally died in the last season it was time to let go.

6. Mufasa

Probably the saddest death in animated history.

7. Dumbledore

Harry had to watch in horror as Snape killed the old wizard.

8. Jay Gatsby

All he ever wanted was to love Daisy, and instead he gets shot for a crime he didn't commit.

9. Allie and Noah in "The Notebook"

They died at the same time because they literally couldn't live without each other.

10. Romeo and Juliet

I guess it wouldn't be a famous tragedy if they didn't both commit suicide, but it still hurts that they couldn't be together and grow old with one another.

11. Old Yeller

*sobs* *weeping*

12. Carl's wife in Up

He was so lonely without her.

13. Gus in "The Fault in Our Stars"

When I read the book I knew of course one of them was going to die, but that didn't make it any less tragic when Gus passed away from cancer.

14. Bambi's mother

Why did she have to die??

15. Jack in "Titanic"

We all know there was room on that raft for him

16. Prim in "The Hunger Games" series

After everything that happened, our hearts did not need to be broken by Prim's death.

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