16 Days Of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence | The Odyssey Online
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16 Days Of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

It's time to orange your hood.

16 Days Of Activism Against Gender-Based Violence

Everytime I go on social media, I discover a new national holiday. For instance, my birthday (January 21st) falls on the same day as Squirrel Appreciation Day! How cool is that?!

All kidding aside, social media canbe a positive tool for creating awareness and change. Which brings me to my next point…

The16 Days of Activism against Gender- Based Violence: An international campaign calling for the prevention and elimination of violence against women and girls worldwide!

Created in 1991 by activists at the first Women’s Global Leadership Institute, the campaign lasts from November 25th-December 10th( Human Rights Day). It is coordinated each year by The Center for Women’s Global Leadership.

Why should I care?

Violence against women and girls is a VIOLATION OF HUMANS RIGHTS!

Some eye-opening national statistics, here and here.

This year’s goal? Increased and sustained funding for organizations working to end the violence against women and girls.

Why is fundraising the biggest focus for this campaign?

“However, despite the international community’s visible interest and political will to address the global pandemic of violence against women and girls, there is still a lack of adequate and sustained resources to translate the national efforts into effective programs and practices that make positive changes in the lives of women and girls(UNWomen)."

Here is my take on these 16 days...

National and international organizations such as UNWomen and HeForShe are amazing, and I encourage you to support them in any ways that you can...

BUT, what if we focused on the violence against women and girls that is happening right now in OUR cities?

Here are some organizations in Michigan to look into:

Detroit: http://www.transition123inc.org/

West Michigan: http://www.ywcawcmi.org/counseling-services.php

Oakland County: https://www.haven-oakland.org/programs/shelter

Ann Arbor: http://www.safehousecenter.org/

Instead of getting lunch with a friend and spending money, why don't you two volunteer somewhere together?


Join the online conversation and watch out for content shared through hashtags: #orangetheworld, #16days, and #16daysofactivism.

Create orange buttons with hashtags like #behervoice, and have your friends wear them to class, work, the bars - to create conversation and awareness!

Sell them and donate the money towards a women’s organization you support!

Why orange?

What has been long known as the color of prisoner's uniforms, now represents the freedom among women who became survivor's of violence.

This bright and optimistic color represents the hope and future of WOMEN AND GIRLS TO BE FREE FROM VIOLENCE!

Sending peace, love, and a very bright and orange light your way,


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