As winter break is right around the corner, it is important to remember what is and isn't appropriate when going home. Here is a list of some things college has made us forget are actually very inappropriate:
1. Walking everywhere
At school all your friends live within a two block radius of you and it's easy to forget that there is this thing called a car which one sometimes has to use to go see people.
2. Going out on a Thursday night
Don't forget that Thursday is actually a weekday.... and that Wednesday is too.
3. Wearing one of your sorority's t-shirts for every outfit
We all love to rep our letters, but break is not the time to unleash your "Sratty" side.
4. Same goes for wearing your favorite fraternity's shirts
Your hometown doesn't need to be aware for your extremely high groupie status
5. Groupme- A simple text message will do just fine
Don't be alarmed when your group chats are constantly "poppin'" off
6. Having empty glass alcohol bottles as home decorations
And yes I'm even talking about the bedazzled champagne bottle your best friend gave you for your birthday
7. 2:00 a.m. donut runs
These should be especially reserved for only the highest quality donuts, slo-do-co, of course.
8. Wine bags
Because in the real world, wine comes in a bottle not a bag. And no, you can not slap the bottle.
9. Leaving dirty dishes in the sink for consecutive days
Because no on wants their mom thinking she raised an epic failure. And, no, paper plates and plastic silverware are not the answer.
10. Themed parties
Parties are most likely not themed at home (but if they are for sure, let me know) It's OK to leave the costume box at school.
11. Beer Die
While we all know your totally frat star friends have amped up the traditional drinking game because they are just so sophisticated, I promise good ol' BP will do for a while.
12. Drinking excessive amounts of caffeine
Drinking multiple cups of coffee a day at home is not normal. And at home you actually have to pay for Starbucks. Meal plans aren't a thing in the real world.
13. "Rage"
At home its an emotion, at school it's a verb. Don't get them confused.
14. Referring to "the party houses" in code
Unlike at school, at home you can't just refer to a house by the first three numbers of its address and expect everyone to know what house you're talking about.
15. Wearing heels to a party
Just don't do it, trust me.
16. Assuming you can just Venmo people
We have gotten too comfortable with leaving our wallet at home and assuming we can just send money via Venmo if we need to. While at home this break you should probably bring your debit card.
If you want your parents to actually let you go back to school after break, remember to steer clear of these habits while you're home.