With the semester coming to a close faster than most would like to admit, it seems as if only two emotions are present at all times: uncontrollable stress and sheer terror. All of the time you thought you had to complete those final projects you were told about at the beginning of the semester is suddenly gone and you are now scrambling to finish everything on top of registering for classes, keeping up a job, and continuing to put work into an internship that doesn’t really deserve your time because who actually just needs “experience” and nothing else. “Experience” won’t pay for all of the tissues you need to wipe your tears, believe me, I’ve tried.
No animal in the animal kingdom can grasp these emotions quite like a cat. Meow is right.
1. When you stay up all night trying to complete an assignment and then fall asleep in your breakfast the next morning.
2. When you try to go to the gym because you hear it "relieves stress."There is nothing relaxing about going to the gym. It's like a place for sadists.
3. When your professor assigns ANOTHER paper at the last minute.
Professors probably hang out at the gym because they are sadists.
4. When you are falling asleep at night and remember a five-page paper you were supposed to write that is due the next day.
5. When it all gets to be too much.~When you try your best but you don't succeed.~
6. When your friends keep asking to hang out but you are avoiding them like the plague because you have work to do.
7. When you finally give up and assume your rightful place in the garbage. 8. When you try to act like you aren't sleeping in class but you get caught.9. When you are so sick of doing work you take a shower for the second time that day.The easiest way to procrastinate is by taking a shower.
10. When you've been working all day on one paper and realize you still have seven more pages to write.
11. When you try your hand at other lifestyles because you cannot fathom continuing to be a student.
12. When you have no time to do laundry so you have to resort to your most unfortunate outfits.
13. When you are so tired you are in a constant state of zoned-out.
14. When you try to revert back into being a small child so you no longer have to deal with all of your college work.15. When you know the semester is almost coming to a close.
16. When the semester is finished and you get to go home for break.
You are excited for approximately 30 seconds before you realize you'll have to do it all again next semester. Maybe you'll take a year off. Or more.