Great Things Happen at the Most Unexpected Times
When you are not looking for them, great things will come, and the surprise of it will make it that much better.
It is Important to Take Care of Yourself
To be a functioning human, necessities must be met for one self. That may include a night of netflix on the couch or going for a hike. Whatever it may be, it is more than okay to take care of yourself.
Selflessness is a Wonderful Feeling
The look on someone’s face when you help them, or compliment them is one of the most priceless things.
It Feels Better When You Work For Something
There is a sense of accomplishment you feel when you can buy the thing you have always wanted because you put in the time and effort to pay for it.
Social Media is Not of the Utmost Importance
The amount of like on a post do not show worth. Often the most interesting people are too busy living life to be constantly posting about it on social media.
Things Are Going to Happen in the Way you Wish They Would Not
There will be many times that what you wanted to happen ends up going exactly the opposite and it will be frustrating but the only thing you can do is learn from it and make the best of it.
Everyone is Going Through Something
You will not meet someone who has not been through their own fair share of hardships. Although you believe you are going through something much worse, what they are dealing with may to them be just as significant.\
Not Everyone is Going to Like You
People can be difficult to please. They will not always like you and they may not even have a reason. It will happen, just recognize, that those people are not worth the effort.
Personality is Much More Important Than a Pretty Face
Sure a pretty face can be nice to look at, but how does that hold up when they can barely hold an intelligent conversation, be more than beautiful, be beautiful and brilliant.
Sometimes Letting Go is the Healthiest
Letting go can seem like the hardest thing to do, but holding on can be much worse, it may just drag out the emotions.
Do the Thing You are Avoiding Because You are Too Lazy
It is okay to want to stay inside and watch netflix, but stop using that as an excuse to not go out. Spend time with your friends and take advantage of the opportunities that present themselves.
Love With All of Your Heart
Do not love at all if it is going to be half hearted. Put your all into it, that is what you would want someone to do for you.
Share Your Opinion
It is okay to differ in opinion, if someone is sharing their share your own, do not be harmful about it. However, stand up for what you believe in.
Do Not Be so Fearful
Allowing fear to get in the way of the things you want to do will only leave room for wishing you could go back.
Negativity is a Waste of Time
Being negative gets you nowhere. Be the person that spreads positivity and be happy for your own sake.
Be Who You Want to Be
Never allow the opinions of others to change the person you are. Be daring and different because it will make you happier and more intriguing.