Don’t be afraid to make a mistake.
Make sure you take the ACT and the SAT.
Talk to people.
Don’t be afraid to say what is on your mind.
Those kids have no idea who you are and I swear they won’t totally destroy you if you just be yourself.
You are freaking hilarious.
Oh, and those other people, they aren’t worth your time.
They are worthless human beings.
Don’t even look at them and don’t value their dirty stares and stupid remarks.
Your dad, he isn’t worth worrying about either. You spent so much time dreaming about having the perfect family and the perfect daddy that you never realized that he is selfish and would rather deal drugs and hang out with losers than deal with the mess he made of your family.
Trust your mom. She means well.
She doesn’t want to lock you down,
she just doesn’t want you to get hurt like she did.
And she was hurt pretty fucking bad.
It is amazing that she can even function--
and she works two jobs so you can have new socks.
Don’t be frustrated that you have to work to buy makeup and jeans.
Learn an instrument. I never could.
Hard work makes you a pretty strong woman. A proud woman.
I am super glad you kept your faith. Never let go of it.
Knowing that there is a spiritual being, who makes the earth spin and float, is what kept you alive.
But stop charging people money for cussing. Fuck.
Eat some food. Stop fucking starving yourself.
It messes up your metabolism. You just get even fatter that way.
Oh and you aren’t really fat. So stop telling yourself that.
Just because your mom was 110 pounds at her age does not mean that you are failure because you are not.
You are fabulous.
Be proud of the body you have and don’t be afraid to run and dance.
Never stop reading. Reading is life.
Oh and never stop painting and writing and singing and living.
Oh and when you can't breathe and it feels like a heart attack
or when you did something bad and you're just waiting to be caught
that is anxiety.
It is a bitch.
Stop wishing you could run away.
Just slow down and breathe.