We are quickly approaching the end of 2016 and, I don't know about you, but I am ready for a clean start. Each year, we look forward to how much better it is going to be, and we hope to prepare ourselves by setting goals to eat healthier or go to the gym more often. But since 2016 was only the beginning of what appears to be a longer battle, it seems a good idea to set goals that don't require a gym membership, and help the emotional well-being of ourselves and those that support us through life. Here are a few ideas:
1. Stop saying sorry for things you are not sorry about
There is no point in apologizing for someone else bumping into you, taking a long time to respond to a text, or just saying sorry to say sorry. On the other hand, if you hurt yourself or someone else in any way, it is important to be able to set your ego aside and apologize.
2. Use more open body language
Crossing your arms in front of you or placing your back to others are signs that you are closed off. In these instances, your words may be interpreted in a way you didn't intend, just because of your body language. Facing the person you are talking to, having your hands beside you, and making eye contact are good ways to make sure they know you are open to the conversation.
3. Say yes more often to new experiences
It can be easy to say no to experiences that you have never had before, because of the unknown, but who knows? You may love it.
4. Get out of your comfort zone on a regular basis
Bouncing off of the last point, it is scary to do things that you haven't done before, but getting out of your comfort zone can be an opportunity on how to handle a variety of situations. Or you may find a new hobby.
5. Double, triple, quadruple text that person you are afraid of annoying
Because if they think you are annoying, screw them.
6. Take more candid pictures of your friends
Notice the things that make your friends happy and catch them in those moments. It is a cute memento for them, and you'll get to know more about those close to you.
7. Smile more
Even if you're just walking down the street.
8. Ask others for help when you need it
That's what friends are for.
9. Get eight hours of sleep regularly
You may experience the feeling of being refreshed or waking up less tired than when you went to bed.
10. Learn to enjoy spending time by yourself
We're told that it is important to socialize and spend time with friends, but there is nothing wrong with spending as much time as you need alone.
11. Be a better friend
Call or text on a more regular basis is a good place to start. And maybe tell them how much they mean to you.
12. Make a budget and stick to it
Do you really need that obscure kitchen utensil?
13. Tell others how you honestly feel, when they ask
Life to too short to respond to other's "How are you?" with "good" when things are not good.
14. Surprise yourself by doing something that is just not "you"
You just don't pamper yourself? Do it. Not the type to kiss on the first date? Give it a whirl.
15. Do something about the things that you normally just complain about
Stop complaining about stuff you have control over and do something about it. Anything. Whatever you can do, do it. And if none of it works, then go ahead and resume complaining.