15 Words With Totally Different Meanings Down South | The Odyssey Online
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15 Words With Totally Different Meanings Down South

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15 Words With Totally Different Meanings Down South

Having been born in New Jersey and raised by northerners, I've never really had much of a southern accent, despite the fact that I've lived here in Georgia for the majority of my life. So as I grew up, I started having to learn all these new words that in my house, were essentially the wizard version of the name, Voldemort. Upon moving to Statesboro for college, I thought that there couldn't possibly be any southern words and phrases I hadn't heard before. Boy, was I wrong!

I quickly discovered that most southerners don't even realize that some people don't understand the words they're using. And it certainly doesn't get any better when you're the only northerner in a group full of southerners and have to ask what a word means. So here's a mini dictionary to the southern version of the English language, because when you're in the south, if you can't beat them, join them!

1. Buggy

Here in the beautiful south, when someone says they're going to get a buggy, they aren't talking about a horse and carriage, they're referring to a shopping cart.

2. Commode

Honestly, this word always confused me as a kid; my older relatives used to say they were 'going to the commode' and for a long time I just kinda nodded along. But I have since learned that commode is synonymous with a toilet or the bathroom in general... Awkward!

3. Pocketbook

I guess the best way to describe this word is like Mary Poppins' bag. Every southern woman I've ever met that calls her purse a pocketbook always has everything you could possibly need in there!

4. Kin

Kin or Kin Folk is an endearing way to refer to someone as your family (ex. my brother is marrying Sarah! I guess that means we're gonna be kin!)

5. Y'all

Everyone living in the south knows what Y'all means. But in the north, the contraction meaning You All is absolutely never used. Let me tell you, the first time I came home and said Y'all instead of you guys, my father about jumped out of his skin! Some common substitutes in other places are you all, you guys and yous guys.

6. Sweet tea

This one is something you'd think is universal. But if you go up north or anywhere other than the south, if you ask for sweet tea, they'll hand you a glass of unsweetened tea and a packet of sugar. Surprise!

7. Tennis Shoes

Much to my surprise, if you call your running shoes 'sneakers' you might get a few crazy looks. Here in the south, they're tennis shoes and not sneakers, even if you never wear them for tennis!

8. Coke

Considering the fact that Atlanta is the home of Coca-Cola, it's not surprising that Coke and their products are a favorite of most southerners. I don't know about every southern state, but I know here in Georgia, coke is often a general term used synonymously with soda and isn't just referring to the classic coke.

9. Supper

In the deep south, dinner is an afternoon meal and supper is eaten at 7 or 8 at night. Dinner is a light meal leading up to the main event, supper.

10. Right Quick

Instead of someone saying, "hey I have something to ask you, could you come here for a second?", it is much more common for people down south to simply say "hey come here right quick".

11. Buzzards

This one specifically reminds me of my sweet Alabama raised grandmother. When I was little, she'd always tell me to look outside and say "look at all them buzzards!" Until it was explained to me that she was talking about the vultures circling in the sky, I always just played along as if I knew what she meant!

12. Britches

This word is used quite often when southern people describe someone as ''too big for their britches". So translated to layman's terms, they're talking about someone's pants and saying that they're too big for them in reference to a pompous attitude

13. Fixin's

When you think of Thanksgiving, you picture the turkey, but you also picture all the sides, like stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, gravy, cranberry sauce, etc. All of those things that are often referred to as side dishes are called fixin's in the south!

14. Clicker

This one, I understand a little bit. Instead of saying "throw me the remote", most people in the south say "throw me the clicker". We all know what remote means, I just think clicker is a more fun way to refer to it!

15. Holler

Finally, my favorite southern word, Holler. Whether you're using the word by saying someone is a hoot and a holler, meaning they're lots of fun, or telling a baby to stop hollering' aka stop yelling and crying, Holler is just generally a funny word to say.

Disclaimer: I love the south, I love the sweet lilt of southern accents, I love my southern friends and family and I love Georgia Southern. So please don't think this was anything more than a satirical commentary on the place I call home!

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