1. "Bae"
The worst word of them all... this has been completely overused and frankly misused. Is a random person you saw out at the bar really your "bae?" Didn't think so.
2. "On Fleek"
For some odd reason, this expression has been used to described eyebrows. For reasons no one knows.
3. "I Literally Can't Even"
The thing is you can... You actually can if you wanted to.
4. "Winning"
This word just doesn't make sense. What exactly are you winning? Because I'm pretty sure you haven't actually "won" anything.
5. "AF"
People use this expression at the end of any phrase... even times when it makes absolutely no sense.
6. No Chill
Saying this seriously just makes you sound pretty not chill yourself.
7. "Goals"
#RelationshipGoals... or saying "You are goals." That's not even a proper sentence.
8. (Insert social media outlet here) Game Strong
Does it really matter in the grand scheme of life if your Snapchat game is strong?
9. Anything involving the number "1738"
We get it, it was a good song. But it slowly lost its appeal when every single person made jokes involving "1738."
10." _ Is Everything"
Used sarcastically, people will say things along the lines of, "Chipotle is everything." Really though? Honestly, is Chipotle your EVERYTHING?
11. "Netflix n Chill"
This is basically another way to say "hook up" but now it's become more of a joke... that isn't really funny.
12. "Basic"
Frequently used to describe girls following the societal norm, this word needs to not be a thing anymore.
13. "Twerk"
Sure, it's a fine dance move. But to post videos of yourself twerking just seems absolutely absurd and attention-seeking.
14. "Lit"
Another way of saying "fun" or "wild", but instead, you just end up sounding unintelligent.