Finals Week. The week that every college student dreads and can't wait to get past. It's the most stressful time of the year and yet, we're always so under prepared. Those huge exams determine of we pass our class or not and we still have a difficult time studying for them.
Here's 15 ways to up your study game:
1. Start Early
the earlier you start to study the more you'll be able to retain. You'll be able to pace yourself more and not feel so stressed. It'll also let you study for multiple exams for all the same amount of time.
2. Get A Group
There's always people who prefer to study in a group than by themselves and sometimes it's more beneficial. You can't know everything, but if you have more than one person there's a strong chance they know something you don't and vice versa. Everyone is good at something different and that might be the key to passing that exam.
3. Create A Schedule
Have a set schedule that you can rely on and feel that you have to abide by it. Typically, schedules keep you in line with what you want to do and if you don't follow that schedule you feel out of place and wierd, right? If you follow a schedule it will help with studying for multiple exams in a short time period.
4. Take 30 Minute Breaks
Thirty minutes is the best time frame to do just about anything. Plus taking break is essential. If your brain gets too drained too fast it'll be that much more difficult on concentrating. The best part you can use that time to watch a short television show, which will definitely relax you for that next section of studying.
5. Get Your Sleep
Be sure to get enough sleep, If you're tired while studying not much will retain and that time would have been wasted. You're better off getting eight hours of sleep then hualing out that study time.
6. Make Your Own Study Guide
Sometimes the professor's study guide is too vague or only focuses too little. You can always make up your own guide and just keep answering the questions in different orders.
7. Study The Style Of The Exam
If you have a multiple choice format study definitions concepts, because that's what multiple choice is based off of. If it's short answer study the lists and applications. For essays, make up an outline and actually write the paper in a time format to see how much you can write and how well.
8. Quiz Yourself
Don't just read and read and read and read, it''ll get redundant and you won't remember much. Use the study quide to quiz what you can remember by answering the questions without looking for the answers.
9. Reorganize Your Notes Each Time
Switch it up during studying. If you just keep looking at the same organization of notes, you'll remember things in that order, but it more than likely won't be in that order on the exam.
10. Color Code
Use highlighters to differentiate the different topics and the information that is the most important to know. Colors also help with memory and will let you retain more information more quickly.
11. Switch Up The Subjects
Study for one exam for like an hour or two then switch to a different subject. You won't get as bored and as tired if you keeping looking at the same information for too long. Also it'll help for when you have exams close together, you'll be able to remember both better.
12. Stay Hydrated
Take care of yourself. Drink tons of water and stay away from the energy drinks they only make you crash. If you aren't feeling your best neither is your brain.
13. Keep Healthy Snacks Close By
We all get hungry, but if we get too hungry it might be the only thing we can think about. Keeping a snack nearby will alleviate that hunger and keep your body feeling energized. Also be sure to eat healthy snack as they will help with keeping you focued and awake.
14. Ask Questions
Your professor is there if you need them. Send them an email or head to their office if you need help. It's always better to know than to speculate.
15. If It's Cumulative, Ask To See Previous Exams
Sometimes, your professor will let you see previous exams in their office. Obviously, you can't take them or take pictures for reasons, but studying the exams can help you organize your thoughts for the style of the exam and there may be something on the exams that isn't in your notes and you can spark note it for reference.
Hopefully now you can walk into that room with exam confidence.