Girls, we've all been in the situation where there is a guy who DMs (Direct Messages) you and you just somehow cannot get rid of him when the answer is always going to be no. The one who snapchats you or texts you asking for a desperate hookup or "hangout" and I know we all get sick of it. Here's some ways to (maybe) get rid of the pest in your notifications.
1. Leave him on read.
Quite possibly the most common thing done when a guy asks you a question like "come over" or the classic "u up?" text.
2. Tell him boi bye
Simply send this Beyonce gif and you're good to go
3. Keep responding "what?" until he gives up (spell what in different ways)
This only works for snapchat but it's a good idea I promise. "What?" "wut?" "wat?" "huh?" "what'd you say?"
4. Gifs, Gifs, Gifs
If the Beyonce doesn't work, answering him in Gifs will sure to confuse and frustrate your victim even more!
5. Hit him with the friendzone
6. Talk about another guy
a definite sad face emoji or eye rolling emoji will be coming your way.
7. Ask him for guy advice
"So I like this guy and I don't know if he likes me back should I tell him?" For some reason he'll probably think its him, but tell him otherwise before he assumes girlie.
8. Just tell him
We're all adults here, so why don't you give the guy a break and be honest
9. Make up a fake boyfriend (if you don't have a real one)
I can't even tell you how many times I've used this line just to get a guy to stop bothering me
10. Say you're busy
Literally, any time he asks to hang out, think of an excuse like work, or school, or sorry I need to take my dog to her Therapist
11. Give him a fake phone number
The oldest trick in the book but somehow guys always fall for it. Men never change.
12. Or switch an already added contact to your name
So when he texts his mother saying "come over", you bet your sweet patootie he'll probably have his ear ripped off by his mother
13. Faking your own death/ illness
Just simply text "Hey (insert name), this is (your name)'s mother. I'm sorry to say that there has been and accident and she is in critical condition. I will let you know if she get's better. Then a couple of days later say "I'm sorry, but (your name) has passed away. Yes, it's morbid but yes it works.
14. "Lol no", "lmao" or anything similar that does not answer the question
It's funny cause it's like you hear them go "are u serious?" and you can see their faces change expressions immediately
15. Send your fave shades of nude lipstick
That's what you meant by "send nudes" right? OMG, I'd love to show you my favorite shades, how did you know I loved nude lipstick?