It’s getting to that time of the summer when things are really slowing down. Days are long and temperatures are only rising. I don’t know about you, but this time of the summer is definitely when I tend to be the laziest. I’m not exactly a big fan of being lazy though. So a couple summers ago I came up with a few simple and fun techniques to become more productive and active. If you’re like me and want to get motivated this summer here are some things to try!
1. Create a routine for your morning.
My morning routine goes something like: Get up at 8 a.m., have my coffee and breakfast (and relax with some Netflix or a book), clean up my room and bathroom, workout, shower, and finally get dressed and ready for the day. By sticking to this every day, I am consistently starting off active, and my desire to remain active is increased.
2. Create a routine for your evening.
I like routines, can you tell? But seriously, having a nice set of things to do before bed is really the best. There is no better way to relax and prepare yourself to get some good sleep than creating your very own personalized nighttime routine.
3. Workout every day!
Or at least every other day. Exercise is proven to motivate, and really all you need is something to get you moving to feel great. Plus there's nothing bad about looking fit, for sure.
4. Read a new book.
Books open the mind to all sorts of new things. Reading increases brain productivity and critical thinking skills. And it's fun! If you don't know where to start, try wandering through your local bookstore or library. Just pick up something that looks interesting. Or something with a bestseller sticker on it.
5. Watch an inspiring movie.
I know some may say that watching TV is about the opposite of being productive. I would disagree. I am a huge fan of movies. And sometimes when you need something to pump you up, a good movie is really just the thing to do it. My personal favorites include Bridget Jones's Diary, anything nostalgic, and even newer flicks like How to be Single. I'm sure you have your own, so sit down and watch one or two this summer!
6. Practice self care.
Drink tea. Journal. Take time to just feel peaceful. These are good things. Do them.
7. Eat healthily.
Yes I know, this is the season of ice cream and BBQ's and carnival food, but hey there are healthy ways to make these things. If you don't believe me, check out of the thousands of great recipes on Pinterest. Sooo much good food. But still good for you! When you eat well, you feel well, and when you feel well, you do good things.
8. Use a to-do list for your day.
Decide what you need to do for the day. Write it on the list. Do the same for what you want to do. Then do all of the things. Then...this is the most important part...check them off! There is not a more satisfying feeling than checking things off a list. Not one. Not to mention you're getting all your stuff done. I mean that's a good feeling.
9. Schedule your day.
This goes right along with the to-do list. Only with a schedule, you now know that you are getting all your stuff done in a timely manner. Bruh. That's being productive.
10.Take some time to work on something you're passionate about.
Maybe you've been paused on page 3 of a new story you're writing. Maybe you haven't painted in awhile. I personally have been playing the piano again this summer, and have been relearning what I had forgotten since my childhood lessons. Whatever it is, it's something you enjoy and doing these things will help your brain feel refreshed and peaceful. It will make doing all the not so enjoyable things much better.
11. Find a new passion!
Go out and explore the possibilities! Learning something new can do no harm. Expand your horizons!
12. Volunteer.
Service not only improves you and your productivity, but it benefits the community in so many ways. There is so much that can be done, in so many different areas. Try working at a soup kitchen, an animal shelter, or any other local place that could use some extra helping hands.
13. Read the news.
It's important to know what's going on around you. Although what you read might not be the most fun all of the time, it's important to be aware and informed.
14.Get outdoors!
It's bright and green and happy out there! Yes, it's hot, but at least it means you get to wear adorable summer outfits right? Go for a hike, or just a walk around your neighborhood. You will feel refreshed afterwards. I guarantee it.
15. Treat. Yo. Self.
Thank Parks and Rec for this amazing concept. It's good to reward yourself for all the hard work being productive that you have now done. Or ya know, it's good to motivate yourself for all the hard work you are going to do. You go.