Who has ever felt a sense of clutter surrounding life? Who has ever felt trapped by commitments or obligation? I know I have. Life can be chaotic leading to stress and not enough time to actually live and enjoy. We all crave simplicity in some senses. Simplicity may have a variety of definitions to each individual, but we all need it. The first step to leading a more simplistic lifestyle is knowing what true simplicity is. Here are 15 ways to live a simpler life.
1. Know what is important to you.
Find what makes you heart beat and the things that make you passionate. Then, go pursue those endeavors whole heartedly.
2. Eat well.
Your body should be fueled and treated with respect. The food you put into your body effects everything. Therefore, treat your body with respect. (That does not mean you can’t ever have a chocolate chip cookie ever again.)
3. Drive slowly.
There is no rush. Take your time, be present and try to find the peace in driving slow and taking in your surroundings.
4. Exercise.
Whether it be for 20 minutes or an hour, it will make you feel better.
5. Declutter your space.
Decide what you really need vs. what you want. Declutter your home, dorm room, apartment or office. Doing so with help clear your mind and could lead to a more minimalist approach to life.
6. Fill your day with simple pleasures.
Whether that be reading, napping or a long drive, make time for this.
7. Live deliberately.
Do everything with a purpose.
8. Spend wisely.
Buy things you really need and focus on saving your pennies for something bigger.
9. Give, Give, Give.
Give your time, money or self to help others. When you are feeding into others, you become more fulfilled.
10. Spend time with people you love.
There is no time to be wasting your time with people who negatively impact you. Therefore, spend your time on this earth with people who challenge and inspire you.
11. Do what you love.
Life is too short to not be living life doing everything you want to do. Challenge yourself and fight for the things you love.
12. Focus on your art, not your job.
Yes, put effort into your day-to-day job, but also make plenty of time for your personal art. These hobbies are who we are.
13. Learn to say no.
It is OK to say no. When we take on too much, that leads to more stress and less simplicity.
14. Spend time alone.
This are the times in which we can fuel creativity. It is OK to spend time alone. Embrace those moments.
15. Learn to embrace the crazy.
That is a part of life. Embracing the ups and downs of life with an open mind and heart will lead to a more fulfilled life.