1. Trying to understand guys.
Why bother? Wait until they're 25 (maybe even 30) and emotionally mature enough for commitment.
2. Group projects.
"When I die I want my group project members to lower me into my grave, so they can let me down one last time." Yik Yak.
3. Snow days.
Getting the e-mail that classes are canceled and then getting to procrastinate the homework for another whole day.
4. Your ex.
He sucks. Stop texting him.
5. Your parents.
We've all become experts at pretending to laugh at lame jokes -- sorry, mom.
6. Attempting to flirt.
"Do you like cheese?" should be a go-to pick up line.
7. Exams, homework and class, in general.
Because having three papers, two exams, and six readings in one week is totally normal and not stressful at all, right?
8. Upcoming spring break.
You are either excited to get tan or excited to watch Netflix for 72 hours straight and avoid people. Either way, it's gonna be a great week.
9. "Hey, wanna hangout tonight?"
That cute boy from your 9 a.m. doesn't care that you always wear a hat to class (who showers anymore, anyway).
10. Excuses for skipping class.
They don't take attendance... my friend will sign me in... I know all this stuff anyway. Anything to avoid getting out of bed.
11. You get an A+ on that exam you did not study for.
Wow, was there a curve? Maybe not studying will work every time!
12. Having a hot professor.
Just don't get drool on your notes, and try to get an A so he knows you're smart.
13. "You look tired today."
Why do people ever think this is an ok thing to say? You had a mixer last night and you still taste jungle juice but at least you're in class!
14. Getting beer spilled on you at parties.
It is so awful coming home soaked and smelly at 2am.
15. Formals, date nights and bid nights.
Who can dance in heels, anyway? Bring socks and change when you get there.
16. Doing the full 30 Minutes on the elliptical.
Even though you only got through it by watching a 30 minute rerun of Sex and the City.
17. Getting hit on at a frat.
You are mostly only here to dance and take pictures that make your life look fun.
18. Free food.
This is a guaranteed way to get broke college students to show up. Is it buffet style? Can we get seconds?