15 Ways To Make Your Dog A Model | The Odyssey Online
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15 Ways To Make Your Dog A Model

Your dog is your best friend and everyone should know that, so why not make them a model and tell everyone that way?

15 Ways To Make Your Dog A Model
Photo By Kate Tabor

I think it's safe to say that dogs will forever be one of the best type of animals our world could ask for. If you don't own a dog, that's okay, you can always rent one for a little while, but if you do, appreciate that dog so hard. All dogs are photogenic even if you don't think so. So here are 15 ways to make your dog the most amazing doggy model this world has ever seen:

1. Tell your dog they're pretty, every minute of everyday.

When your dog doesn’t feel like the prettiest dog in the world, then they won’t be. Make them feel like royalty every chance you get. The best kind of dog model is a well-behaved dog.

2 . Utilize the many tools Snapchat gives you so that not only can they try on new hats but they can practice their smile.

Snapchat, although it might not have the best camera quality, there are countless emojis to choose from. There’s an emoji for every occasion, so take a snap every chance you get.

3. Bring them to the dog beach to build their confidence. All the other dogs will envy your dog’s ability to run in the sand like a character from Baywatch.

The dog beach is the best place to be. Not only can your dog build a great reputation with the other dogs, but a wet dog is a cute dog. Baywatch is one of the most well-known TV shows out there, and soon your dog will be the most well-known dog out there.

4. Ensure that your home has the best lighting as to make your dog feel comfortable under the spotlight.

Lighting is key when it comes to making your dog a model. Never use flash, it’s always too harsh, but soft lighting brings out the perfection in their eyes. Change it up! Cool lighting can sometimes be perfect for an amazing new Instagram.

5. Use each season as a new opportunity. Every season evokes a different emotion from both your viewers and your dog.

Winter or summer your dog can take an incredible picture through it all. Use nature to bring out the best in your dog. Got snow? Throw snowballs and see what happens? Flowers blooming? Put some in his fur and see what goes down. Could work out, you never know.

6. Don’t be afraid to promote the issues in our society by dressing your dog! Advertise your favorite places, restaurants and current topics of debate!

Are you a feminist? Put your dog in a “this is what a feminist looks like” t-shirt! Got a favorite restaurant? Buy a hat and hope they like wearing it! Love your high school? Make sure he’s reppin’ those colors! Your dog can do it all!

7. Smile train your dog with lots of treats, hugs, and your own smiles. Your dog learns from you, so smile a ton.

If you think that your dog can’t smile, Think again. All dogs can smile, you just have to let them. Train them well, and always give them treats. For treats are the way to any dog's’ heart.

8. Surround your dog with people who bring out the best in them. Every person means a different thing to your dog, so choose your friends wisely.

Got a silly friend? Have them take silly pictures with your pooch! A silly dog is a free spirited dog. Got an obnoxiously beautiful friend? Have them snap some shots with your other model friend. For two pretty people in a photo are better than just one.

9. If your dog can’t catch food in their mouth, they’re a lost cause, but if they can, they’ve got a leg up in the dog modeling industry.

As we already mentioned, food is the key to a dog’s heart. Mastering the craft of catching food in your mouth is a talent that most humans have yet to conquer, however, dogs are incredible at it. It makes for an amazing slow-mo video and an even better action shot.

10. Make sure they go to the groomers as often as possible. Not too often that they feel entitled to a good cut, but enough so that they can look good at any moment.

There are so many options when it comes to finding a great groomer. Make sure your groomer understands you and your dog. A groomer can make or break your dog’s modeling career.

11. Make sure their surroundings are just as trendy as they are. Dogs need inspiration too.

Keep their bedding, their toys, their fashion, and your standards up to date and high. A dog can lose their career in modeling if they don’t constantly stay trendy. Trendy dogs are the best dogs.

12. Sleep and diet are two of the most important things to be aware of. Your dog can still be cute even if they look like a sausage but they’re not cute if they’re sleepy and grumpy.

Sometimes the fattest dogs are the cutest, and fat isn’t bad. All doggy bodies are accepted in the modeling community. But it’s important to remember that you’ll never take a good picture of your dog if he’s grouchy, tired and grumpy.

13. Never underestimate your dog’s ability to attract attention. Take him out on the town and show him off to your friends.

Walk around town and see what happens! Kids, moms, dads, babies, they might all love your dog. You have to test the population before assuming your dog will be a successful model. He must be well-liked in person and on the screen.

14. Allow your dog to feel the feels. Sometimes all your dog needs is to hide in the bathtub when there’s thunder. We all get scared sometimes.

Models have feelings too. Don’t push your pooch to be happy if they’re not. A picture has to be situational and never forced, that’s when you will get the best pictures of your lovely puppy. Let your dog be silly! Dogs love to have fun, so sometimes a silly picture is the best kind.

15. And remember, if you don’t love your dog unconditionally, they won’t be able to love themselves. So love your dog so hard.

Being a dog is hard. It might seem easy, but it’s a hard life when you’re a dog. They’ve gone through a lot to be with a family who loves them, so give them the love they deserve. All dogs should be loved, whether they’re insanely perfect, a little chubby, hairless, or matted, all dogs are perfect in every way possible.

To all the dogs out there, never forget how much you are loved. Thank you for being everyone and anyone’s best friend.

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