Being in college can be a wild roller coaster ride. It has its ups and downs, but it can be the best four years of someone's life if spent the right way. I definitely know how it feels to be in college, since I am a sophomore myself, but I wanted to write an article that accurately describes some of the good and bad moments of these four years. I thought the best way to illustrate this is through Disney.
1. When you have to get up for an 8 am lecture, but you can't bring yourself to do it.
I don't know why I decided to do this to myself, but needless to say I have a three hour lab once a week starting at 8 am.
2. Then to make matters worse the food in the dining hall is not always the greatest.
I appreciate the fact that I do not have to cook while I am at school, but sometimes the food can be a little... well gross.
3. On top of all this there is a chance you might be late to a lecture.
4. Getting to class and realizing that you didn't study for the quiz/test in class that day.
I'll admit, there are times where I do get lost in the lecture. As much as I try to keep up and learn the material, it can get to the point where I wish I could start the semester over again.
5.Then finding out that it's okay because you are not the only one who forgot to study.
Knowing that you were not the only one can make any situation better.
6. If you do remember to study, you tend to lose your mind after awhile.
Just remember to try and take breaks in between. The last thing you need is to feel mad because you are studying for hours on end.
7. When you are studying, but you would much rather be out having fun.
Even though going out is fun, balance it with studying the best you can.
8. When you can actually afford to buy something besides textbooks or school supplies.
It's nice to be able to spoil yourself every now and then. You're working hard, so keep up the great work.
9. Getting a good grade on anything that you were not very well prepared for.
Please try to study if you can. I do not recommend putting off studying.
10. When midterms/finals are coming up, and you feel confident in your friends because you don't feel confident in yourself.
The same could be said from your parents about you taking on finals.
11. When you are desperate for any kind of extra credit in a class that you are not doing so well in.
As funny as you may think this is, people actually have done this for extra credit.
12. When you have to work on a group project, and no one can agree on anything.
I can't think of anything worse than this situation; especially if a good grade is on the line.
13. When cold and flu season finally hits and you become a caregiver to your friends.
Sometimes you just have to become your bestie's mom.
14. When finals finally arrive, and you have been staying up late every night studying.
Try to sleep as much as you can during this time. It can be stressful, and not sleeping can make the problem worse.
15. When you finally get to go home for any kind of break.
Hallelujah! We finally can relax and not have to worry about homework, tests or research papers!