As we all may know, Valentine's Day is coming up this weekend. It's a holiday that really divides the country in half. You have the group comprised of all the couples (mostly in love) of the world and then you have the rest of us, the single (sometimes bitter) group. So while the in-love half gets to spend their day of romance receiving cards and gifts, I have put together a little list of some e-cards for all the single ladies (and guys) out there. Because you are never really alone on Valentine's Day.
1. Because food will never break our hearts.
2. Single girls unite!
3. When you want to throw a pity party.
4. You're welcome.
5. #truth
6. Protect your fellow single girl from this.
7. Eat chocolate to forget this painful reality.
8. Single people need love too.
9. Don't judge me.
10. But do you really need a trampoline?
11. It's not technically lying.
12. That's the spirit!
13. Treat yo' self!
14. But it's hard to ignore the truth...
15. So just remind yourself that...
Feel free to send these humorous words of support and honesty to your fellow single people out there or just post them to your Facebook as an act of rebellion against this greeting card holiday. I wish you all a semi happy Valentine's Day, and wish you all good luck in buying half priced candy on the 15th.