When you've attended college long enough you start to notice that every class you take, like high school, has specific characters you just can't seem to escape. In my five years of going to college, I've not once been in a class that didn't have people who embodied the unfavorable traits this article exposes. If you want to avoid being "that person" in class, then follow the listed rules:
1. Check the syllabus before you even think to ask me a question regarding class. There's a syllabus for a reason so USE IT

2. Don't ramble on about yourself for 10 minutes. Last time I checked we're not going to be tested on your personal life.

3. Don’t ask questions that don’t pertain to the course. I'm talking to you, askholes
4. Don't back sass the professor.
5. More importantly, don't interrupt the professor. I don't care if they cut you off first. Just DON'T.
6. If you're an over thinker, then please don't cause the rest of us to worry over something we're confident in just because you can't control your nerves.
7. Respectfully agree to disagree during debates.
8. Dear god, don't torture the rest of us by eating your delectable Buffalo Wild Wings to class.
9. Don't get offended if someone decides to sit in the seat you've claimed as yours. One of the joys of college is that there isn't assigned seating.
10. If you know you snore, then avoid falling asleep in class. The moment you feel your eye lids get heavy, leave.
11. Don't speak out unless you're called on. Give everyone a fair chance to answer questions. I mean, we've been conditioned to raise our hands since preschool.
12. Don't back track the lecture just because you didn't attend class. Utilize the professor's email and office hours.
13. Refrain from talking smack about the professor when you're the cause of your negligence.
14. To the overachievers who brag about their accomplishments, get off your high horse.
15. If you're assigned to do group work, whether you know the material or not, AT LEAST introduce yourself and make small talk. If you're just gonna sit there and watch your partners handle everything, your presence is pointless.