If you were born before the 2000s, you lived one hell of a childhood. We weren’t dependent on technology, and our imaginations ran wild. Our favorite days were spent riding our bikes, going to the playground, and playing tag. Girls weren’t ashamed of playing dolls, and boys loved dealing Yugioh and Pokemon cards. In case you forgot (since we don’t see kids playing with these same toys anymore), here are toys to remind you of your amazing childhood you had growing up:
1. GameBoy
2. Polly Pockets
3. Bop It
4. Skip-It
5. Barbie
6. Furby
7. Troll Dolls
8. Tamagotchi
9. Big Wheel
10. Cabbage Patch Dolls
11. Teksta Dog
12. Rollerblades
13. Bratz Dolls
14. Hip Clips
15. Beanie Babies