Looking back, it's incredible to me to think I've only been a college student for over a month now. There are some moments when it feels like the time has completely flown by; while at other times, I feel as if this month has dragged on forever. Overall, my time here so far is not exactly what I had anticipated. That's not to say that everything about it has been inherently bad or good, just...different. It's hard to say what I had originally thought my first month at college was supposed to look like, but while pondering this idea the other day, the theme song from the 90s TV sitcom "Friends" happened to slip into my mind. And I honestly could not think of any better way to sum up the roller coaster that has been my life this past month than with a tribute to "Friends." Enjoy.
"So no one told you life was gonna be this way...."
1. Trying to get my dorm set up just right
There are only so many ways one can arrange the furniture in a dorm room. Finding which arrangement is actually functional? Now that's the tricky part. Lots of measuring and plenty of pivoting later, I'm pretty happy with the way it all worked out.
2. Saying goodbye to my family
Even though you may have promised yourself you wouldn't cry, chances are (if you're anything like me) you lasted about 5 seconds before bawling like a baby. And that's okay. Even though I knew I'd be seeing them all again soon, it didn't mean I wasn't sad to see them go.
3. Meeting new people and making friends
I'll be the first to admit I'm not the best when it comes to being social and introducing myself to others. I really had to force myself out of my comfort zone when it came to making new friends, but so far it's all worked out really well.
4. The literal MOUNTAINS of homework
I honestly cannot remember ever having to spend this much time studying and doing homework. One day, I spent four hours just on my French homework alone. Four hours. It was great.
5. Including on Labor Day weekend
6. The death of my social life
7. Actively denying all the stress I'm feeling
8. Trying to express my emotions
9. Actually getting to see my friends and be social for once
and venture out of our study caves, it's a pretty exciting moment. So far, these moments seem to be largely limited to meal times and certain evenings, but I'll take what I can get.
10. On having to "adult"...
For those of you who hadn't realized, sometimes being a college student sucks. I feel like I'm in some sort of awkward transitional phase that comes between living at home and being independent. Yes, I can wash my own laundry, but how do I schedule an optometry appointment? This is a serious question.
11. ...and making mistakes
12. Oh, look, more homework
Honestly, it'll probably never end.
13. Attempting to study/sleep while others are being noisy
I contemplated for a long time about whether or not to include this on my list because I didn't want to be "that person." But I guess I am that person already, so I might as well not try and hide who I really am. PSA: if I can hear your music/singing through two doors and several cinderblock walls, it's probably too loud. Thank you.
14. Forgetting peoples' names
If I had a dollar for all the times I've had to say "Sorry, what's your name again?" this month, I'd have enough money to take myself out for a nice steak dinner. Or maybe a massage.... Yeah, I could definitely use a massage right about now.
15. Still somehow being excited really excited for everything
It might sound like I have nothing but complaints about my first month at college, but I wouldn't have traded it for anything. If anything, my "hardships" have made me even more excited for the rest of my time here, because I know they won't last forever.