1. Weekends at the bars
Butt to butt. Front to front. Yes I would love for perfect strangers to touch me and squeeze past me, spill their drinks down my back because you are far too drunk to hold a plastic cup.
2. Too lit
Shots, shots, shots.
3. The worst class schedule
I love getting up at the crack of dawn for an 8am class and then having a 5 hour break between my next class. because going back home and going to bed makes me want to get back up and go to class again. Do not even get me started on trying to have job with that schedule.
4. The first day of the semester
"and I'm Back." looking on point and ready to go! Bring it on new semester.
5. The screw it point in the semester
When you have so much to do the best option is to sleep all day and tear up the bars all night.
6. College level algebra
Sitting in class wondering how did I get to this point?
7. Dinning hall meals
Dinning Hall meals are basically garbage. They are so highly preserved that the nutritional value is destroyed. Gruel.
8. How you really feel about one of your professors
We cant like all our teachers. we have that one that we wonder to ourselves how did they get her? How did they get this job?
9. I am broke
when you have no money for the Red Bull that will keep up up for the all nighter to finish this paper.
10. When you are the group project leader and you are FIERCE
I hate group projects because nine times out of ten I don't know the people that I am working with, their work ethic, or how accountable they are, thus I must be FIERCE.
11. Dorm living
Living in the dorm is an experience unlike any other living situation you will ever encounter. At least once a week if not more something goes wrong. For example plumbing malfunctions. Enough said...
12. When the end of the semester rolls around
At the end of the semester we cry more than a girl PMS'ing watching the notebook because its all just too much.
13. When you think you are prepared for a test
I know everything there is to know about everything! and I am going to destroy this test. (gets a C)
14. The townie
Every college town has those sketchy people.
15. Wishing you were back in grade school with no responsibilities
We have all been there. There have been times that I wish I was little agin. No worries, nap time was a part of the daily routine, your food was prepared for you, and thing were just all around easier. Take me back. Please!