College is what every high school senior looks forward to, but freshman year is hard for everyone. Living on your own for the first time is exciting but scary at the same time, so here are some times that Spongebob perfectly described your freshman year at college:
1. Your first day.
Ignorance is bliss, right? This is the day you waited for all summer, and it's finally happening! And the only words running through your head are, "I'M READY!"
2. When you meet your roommate for the first time.
Even though I've relentlessly creeped through your Facebook, I'm going to pretend I don't know everything about you.
3. When you finally feel independent.
You finally get to do what you want to do. At any time!
4. When the dining hall has your favorite food.
"I can't believe they have it! Canned bread!"
5. When you find out that meetings have free food.
If there's free food, we will come.
6. When your professor is trying to explain something but only makes you more confused.
Are you sure that's still English, or are my ears just not working anymore? Nope. That's definitely not English.
7. When you zone out in the middle of a lecture.
Everyone does it, right?
8. Procrastination
I mean, who needs to start a 12 page paper thats due at midnight when you can take a nap instead?
9. When you finally get comfortable in bed then realize you have homework due the next morning.
Here's to another night of no sleep...
10. When you finish that homework at four a.m.
It might not have been such a good idea to start at midnight.
11. When you don't like your roommate.
Maybe a little separation will be a good thing.
12. When you realize that exams are way harder than you thought.
Should I drop this class now?
13. The first time you realize you miss your family.
You don't think you will, but you definitely will.
14. When everything becomes too much to handle.
Admit it, we've all been there.
15. When you finally finish the year in one piece.
Can't wait to go home? You'll want to come back for sophomore year in no time!