I think most people between the ages of 18 to 25 could all agree that napping is one of their favorite activities to participate in. Something about curling up under the covers on your couch or in your bed smack dab in the middle of the day is super satisfying. College and taking naps go together like too many vodka cranberries and bad decisions. Well, sometimes naps and bad decisions go hand in hand as well. And by this I mean there definitely certain scenarios where napping isn't a good idea at all. Let's talk about those times, shall we?
1. Don't nap before work.
You would think that before heading into your 8 hour shift that having some peaceful sleep would keep you energized for the needy customers or wild nanny children that lie ahead. You are wrong. Taking an unnecessary nap before work actually makes you feel like you were hit by a bus and makes you look like you were too. Your head has a dull pain and your eyes are puffy and swollen. You can't tell if you napped or went to the bars. This is a big mistake. Might I suggest a Red Bull instead?
2. Don't nap in between classes.
Ahhh yes, a 2 hour mental break between classes. What do you do with all of this spare time? If you answered "nap", you are so, so, so wrong! Napping is what kept you from getting a B instead of a C. Instead of using your time wisely you procrastinated on all of your homework and studying and napped. This caused you to stay up until 4 a.m. doing what should have been done in the library in between classes. How nice it would have been to have gotten to bed at 10 p.m. instead.
3. Don't nap through class.
This refers to skipping class and staying home to nap instead. You used one of your three excused absences instead of going to class. This is dumb because A) you may have missed important information and B) what happens if you get super sick and need those other absences. Now, not only did you miss the extra credit "pop quiz", but you have made so that if you run the risk of lowering grade if an emergency arises and you need to miss 2 other classes.
4. Don't nap during class.
Do not put your head down on that desk and fall asleep. It's super rude, and honestly do you want your face to break out from all of the germs on that desk? Come on guys, get it together. Bring a soda or some sour candy to class to keep yourself hyped up. Or at least make it look like you're taking notes on your laptop. Try to avoid being "that guy," ya know?
5.Don't nap right before bed time.
Do I even need to explain this? If you are so tired that you need to take a nap before you actually go to sleep for the night then just stay asleep for the night.
6. Don't nap all day.
By this I mean do not waste your whole day in bed napping for no good reason. If you're sick, I totally get it, but just to be lazy is a no go. Even binge watching Netflix series is a more beneficial action than napping all day. Not to mention, it makes it so much harder to sleep at night when people are supposed to sleep.
7. Don't nap "for just a second" while reading/studying.
Who has gained anything from closing their eyes for just a second between pages or chapters of a book besides a failing test grade? No one closes their eyes and wakes up fully energized after just a minute or two of napping. So pointless.
8. Don't nap if you aren't tired or if you're bored.
Does it make any sense to do that? No. Find something to do. Go outside, smell some flowers, hangout with the elderly, call your cousin you haven't seen in a few years, write a European pen pal. I don't know. Get creative.
9. Don't nap in your contacts.
I don't wear contacts, but I heard this sucks.
10. Don't nap instead of going to hangout with friends.
Having to go to bed early to get up for something important is a responsible reason to sleep through a good time with friends, but napping just because you're a potato is a mistake. Go make some memories while you still can.
11. Don't nap in your car.
I will admit I have done this, but something about it is really sketchy. Like there has to be a more suitable place for you to nap. Besides, it's never good car napping weather in Georgia. Can't win around here and you certainly can't take a nap in your car safely or comfortably.
12. Don't nap with that random person you met at the party the other night.
You give college students and napping a bad rep. Stop it. Let naps be the innocent action they are.
13. Girls, don't nap with your fully done make-up on.
I have done this a time or two as well, and I don't pull off raccoon eyes at all. It isn't a good look. You'll get your pillowcases all messy, and it's bad for your skin.
14. Boys, don't nap after you went and sweat at the gym.
Lord knows how often or not often you wash your sheets and blankets. Shower and then lay down if you're going to nap. It feels way better this way anyway. You're really doing yourself a favor.
15. Don't not nap if you really need to.
There a lot of times where napping isn't a good idea productivity wise, but sometimes our bodies need to rest and a nap can help with that. Stay healthy.