1. Trying to talk to a guy you have a crush on for the first time.
2. When the professor tells you that youneedthe book, but a former classmate tells you otherwise.
3. The teacher says they still have five minutes left to teach and they have already gone over.
4. Trying to argue with a teacher that the test question wasn't fair and they end with...I'm right.
5.When your friend is speaking to a guy she has no right to speak to and your trying to give her advice, but at the same time your not so you don't get blamed if all ends terribly.
6. Answering a question in class you were confident about and you get embarrassed and your friend points it out.
7. When you thought you picked the "good" teacher and found out you were completely wrong.
8. When the professor tells you that you can still make an A in the class.
9. Trying to get out of a test and needing a medical reason.
10. Thinking you made an A on the test, but really made a D.
11. The professor hands out the syllabus and you find out that tests count for eighty percent of your grade.
12. When the professor asks if you are excited for classes to start again and you need to be on their good side.
13. Hearing that there is going to be free food.
14. When you are trying to explain a concept to someone that you don't even understand.
15. Walking by a campus tour guide at 8 a.m and they're trying to sell your college.