FX's "Sons of Anarchy" introduced us to Jax Teller, the blue eyed biker with the perfect body and shampoo commercial hair. From those eyes and abs to his constant internal struggle to do what is right in his corrupt world, not to mention he's a family man...it is almost impossible not to find Jax attractive. In case those were not enough reasons to love him...here are 15 more.
SPOILER ALERT: If you are currently watching "Sons of Anarchy" on Netflix (if you're not, I highly advise you start) you should save this article for later.
1. When he held Abel for the first time and looked like the happiest man alive.
His happiness made thousands of women cry.
2. When he went back for Tara.
This was considered romantic in Charming, California.
3. When he broke hearts everywhere with this declaration.
4. When Abel went missing and you just wanted to console Jax.
Every woman viewer volunteered to be his shoulder to cry on.
5. Basically every time he smiles.
Is there anything better?
6. Or winks.
Apparently there is something better than Jax Teller smiling...
7. When he goes back for Tara...again.
Once again... this was the ultimate romantic gesture for a Motorcycle Club's VP.
8. When he was not afraid to cry despite being the badass biker.
Everyone loves a guy who is in touch with his emotions.
9. When he proposed in the most simple, yet best way possible. ![]()
Maybe this is not the dream proposal, but it was perfect for the two of them.
10. When he woke up in Abel's hospital bed and they shared the cutest father/son moment to date.
Jax Teller and children...enough said.
11. Whenever we saw his less serious side...
It was rare, but always worth the wait.
12. Whenever he's shirtless...
This deserved more than one gif.
13. When he took part in this sing along.
Who doesn't love a family man?
14. His and Opie's friendship.
Their bromance was everything.
15. Whenever he wrote, showing his softer side.
English majors everywhere are crying, I promise.
If you haven't already watched "Sons of Anarchy," I hope these GIFs inspired you to start. If you still have no interest in watching, I hope this article at least motivated you to sit on Tumblr for hours staring at GIFs of Jax Teller. I promise, it is totally worth the procrastination.