Everyone needs to cut Donald Trump some slack. The fact that he says what he wants, when he wants, to whoever he wants just means he's confident. In fact, I think that’s one of his strongest appeals. Can we really blame him for just being honest? He’s proved that everything that comes out of his mouth is an accurate representation of who he is as a person and who he will be as a president. Isn’t that what we want? In case you’re still unsure of who the real Donald Trump is, here are 15 times Donald Trump has been, well, Donald Trump:
1. The time he claimed that all Mexicans in the United States are either criminals, members of the drug cartel, or rapists.
But don’t worry, Trump did admit that there are some “good people” among Mexican-Americans.
2. The time he refused to call John McCain a war hero, stating he likes “people who weren’t captured.”
Then, he proceeded to skip the Presidential Debate to host a rally for veterans of war.
3. The time he skipped the Presidential Debate.
To be fair, I’m scared of Megyn Kelly too.
4. The time he accredited his foreign affairs experience to when he sold someone a 15 million dollar apartment in China.
He also may or may not be able to see Russia from his house.
5. The time he tweeted, “Jeb Bush likes illegals because of his wife.”
6. The time he proposed a ban on all Muslims from entering the country.
Well, I mean, what kind of country do you think this is? The land of the free and home of the brave? Oh, wait…
7. The time he chose to let Sarah Palin speak at one of his rallies.
“Let’s go kick some ISIS ass!” said Sideshow Bob to Krusty the Clown.
8. The time he tweeted, “If Hillary Clinton can't satisfy her husband what makes her think she can satisfy America?”
But then again, Trump should know. At age 69, he’s three wives deep and clearly not a stranger to being unsatisfactory.
9. The time he made fun of New York Times reporter Serge Kovaleski’s disability.
The intro song to his next rally was Shaggy’s “Wasn’t Me."
10. The time he called Hilary Clinton disgusting for taking a bathroom break during a debate.
Donald Trump doesn’t take bathroom breaks. Donald Trump is not a human being.
11. The time he claimed he prefers not to hire working mothers, because they’ll only give him 84 percent of their effort.
That other 16 percent just has to be focused on their children. Come on, moms, try not to threaten Mr. Trump with your ability to push an eight pound human being out of your body.
12. The time he said, "You know, it really doesn't matter what the media writes as long as you've got a young, and beautiful, piece of ass."
But that “piece of ass” can’t be Mexican, Muslim, or a mother, okay?
13. The time he insisted we needed global warming because it was snowing in New York.
Calm down, everyone. What he really meant was, “I can’t go out in the snow, because I’ll melt if I get wet.” Simply a misunderstanding.
14. The time he said, "My fingers are long and beautiful, as, it has been well documented, are various other parts of my body."
HE MEANS HIS HAIR. Get your minds out of the gutter, people.
15. The time he said he’d date his daughter…
Yeah, that’s actually disgusting.
Keep doing you, Donald Trump. You'll end up exactly where you're supposed to be... eventually.