By this point, it's been made pretty obvious that I bleed blue. My social media is filled with democrat propaganda and I'm proud of it. I've never been anything but liberal. But, it's midterm week and tonight is the final presidential debate. So while looking at Donald Trump gifs, I started seeing some similarities. His arrogance masking his secret terror over his current position, the dead look in his eyes, the terrible hair: all classic trademarks of midterms. How did Mr. Drumpf get that classic look of midterm madness? By not knowing whatsoever what he's doing but trying to act like it's all good, just like a college student during midterm week. All we can hope for is that at the end of this election Trump finds the sweet relief of getting to sink back into his hole, while all of us here at college find the sweet relief of getting to go home for the long weekend. And thus: 15 Times Donald Trump Has Captured How I Feel During Midterms.
1. Waking up five minutes before class.
2. Raising your hand and instantly forgetting your inspired comment.
3. When your prof says there's no way you can do this the night before and you're like "we'll see".
4. When you get the paper done before any of your friends.
5. When you're trying to have fun but you can't help but think about all the work you have to do.
6. When you look back on your first midterm week of college.
7. Thinking about how you'll feel after the hell week is over.
8. Everyone else is handing in their papers and you're just sitting there like:
9. The judging look when you go on Wikipedia.
10. When someone asks how you think you did on an exam.
11. When it's 2 A.M. but the end of the paper is nowhere in sight.
12. When someone asks a question that could clearly be answered by looking at the rubric.
13. And by Wednesday, trying to stay awake in class looks like this.
14. When your prof says the midterm is due Monday instead of Friday.
15. And when the end of midterms finally comes, you basically feel like this.
But because I can't help myself, I have to add this last one. It isn't Trump, but it simultaneously sums up how I feel during midterm week and how I feel about the prospect of Trump as president.