15 Times Chandler Bing Explained College Life | The Odyssey Online
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15 Times Chandler Bing Explained College Life

Sometimes, the statistical analysis and data reconfiguration guy is pretty relatable.

15 Times Chandler Bing Explained College Life

The light at the end of the tunnel is getting brighter--we’re over halfway done with the semester. In honor of getting over the hill, here are some of the times where our favorite transponster from the show “Friends,” Chandler Bing, perfectly voiced our thoughts about college.

1. Being forced to answer a question in your 8 a.m. class.

Why do classes this early even exist, anyway? Don't expect students to do any more than sit in the very back of the classroom and angrily chug Starbucks if they're forced to be up before 10?

2. Having to walk past solicitors when you're on your way to class.

Whether it's environmental activists asking for money or people wanting to talk to you about Jesus, we've all been stopped by people handing out flyers. You're starting to think about changing your entire routine just to avoid them.

3. When your roommate comes to you for fashion advice.

How are you supposed to help her with her outfit if you can't even change out of your sweatpants for the day? Sometimes, sarcasm is the only way to go.

4. Buying any and everything at the farmers' market every Thursday afternoon.

Let's be real, the only time you don't mind going to school is when the scents of all your favorite foods are wafting through the air. I'd rather wait 10 minutes in line to get some stuffed hash browns than be in class, anyway.

5. Having four back-to-back classes in one day.

We all have that one day of the week where we hate everyone and everything. You're even willing to take a 20-minute nap in the library if it means you can make it through to the end.

6. When your professor asks why you didn't submit your homework in on time.

Sometimes it's just easier to say that your wi-fi wasn't working instead of explaining that you thought finishing the latest season of American Horror Story while eating your weight in popcorn was a better idea than actually finishing your homework.

7. Eating market-brand Ramen noodles every day.

The one college stereotype that turns out to be 100 percent true. It's fast and it's easy-- buy 4 packets of Ramen for only $1 at your nearest story today!

8. Getting asked if you have plans for the weekend.

The best part of any upcoming weekend is getting those invite texts from the people who know how to have a good time. Or, you know, falling asleep in front of the TV is always a good way to go, too.

9. When you order coffee at Starbucks before your next class and use a fake name.

Don't lie, you've done it before. Sometimes the only way to turn the day around is to have someone call you Beyoncé.

10. Seeing people the same age as you being super-involved on campus.

Extra points if they're the same major as you. How can people be so successful at such a young age when you still have to have your mom schedule your doctor's appointments?

11. When you have three midterms on the same day.

It's almost like all of your professors are plotting against you. But don't worry! After you get through with these tests, you won't have another one until... tomorrow.

12. Waking up in the middle of the night and questioning your entire existence.

We've all been there. Every once in a while, you start planning your entire life while nestled in bed and end up having a mid-life crisis at the age of 19. It happens to everyone.

13. When your neighbors are throwing a party and you're trying to sleep.

Nobody wants to be next to those neighbors. Sometimes you don't know whether you should scream in anger or just give up and join the fun.

14. Using Sundays to prepare yourself for the upcoming week.

Sunday is called the day of rest for a reason. It's the one day you allow yourself to be as lazy as possible, just to catch up on all of the sleep that you'll most likely miss during the week.

15. Getting to reunite with all of your friends after being apart during break.

No matter how much you complain about classes, getting to spend the better part of every week with your friends is always a plus. You don't even realize how much you miss them until it's the first day of the new semester and you can hardly contain yourself.

Whether it's your first or last of school, college is truly an unforgettable experience. Just remember to enjoy it while it lasts-- the end is only a couple thousand dollars in debt and a major change away!

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