Okay...I already knew that Broad City related to every aspect of my life. I mean, come on, how can Abbi and Ilana not be anyone's spirit animals?! It is obvious that the show caters to 20-something-year-olds who have no clue how adulting works, but I never realized how much a show about the Big Apple could relate to my own home of Orlando, Florida. You may be from Orlando City if you have ever related to these Broad City moments...
1. You are desperate for A/C.
2. Oranges are basically the sole reason the city even exists, so you take them pretty seriously.
Nothing beats Florida orange juice and you know it.
3. Somehow there is always some random creature that finds its way into your home.
4. Hurricanes are the BEST times to throw a party.
5. If you're not from Winter Park, the "horrible, vapid wasteland" might as well be Park Avenue.
You still find yourself there occasionally because you actually love it.
6. And Avalon Park is so perfect that it has to be too good to be true.
7. Sometimes the bucket drummers downtown are the best DJs.
8. You can't escape these people.
Why does everything weird happen in Florida?
9. You rediscover your super strength every week by carrying your best friend out of the many "classy" bars throughout UCF, downtown, and International Drive.
10. You have one secret bar that you can go to at the end of the night as an alter-ego.
The random people at the bar love you so it's alright. But it's only a matter of time until everyone you know finds out.
11. You always seem to run into the one person around whom you don't want to make a fool of yourself.
Why is this city so small?!
12. And then somehow being yourself around that person works out... for a day.
After it's over, you continue to see them everywhere because there is no escape in Orlando. The city is actually getting smaller by the minute.
13. Low-key, there is always a celebrity or professional athlete in the vicinity because there is always something going on in Orlando.
14. Your guilty pleasure is to hang out at the theme parks and malls on the west side of town even though you hate tourists.
Annual passes and huge sales are the way to go.
15. There is so much to do in Orlando that you constantly have to live in fear of missing out.
They say experience Orlando for a reason.
16. As much as you hate the heat, humidity, tourists, and bugs, there's no place like Orlando.
(I'd like to give a shout out to all the comedians with Florida references. We appreciate you.)
17. Actual footage of a family eating at Disney.
If it's not a Pub sub, you're doing it wrong.