15 Thoughts Every Oldest Sibling Has At Some Point | The Odyssey Online
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15 Thoughts Every Oldest Sibling Has At Some Point

Here's to the kids who changed diapers before we were tall enough to reach the sink without a stepstool.

15 Thoughts Every Oldest Sibling Has At Some Point
Diana Shores

Sometime many years ago, you were an only child. Those days were full of undivided attention, un-shared possessions, and many more adventures than you've seen since your younger siblings came along. Then, whether by birth, adoption, or marriage, you suddenly became the "oldest sibling" and everything is different. Say goodbye to the notion of being your parents' only concern as far as extra-curricular activities go, or the idea that you might get to spend your Saturday nights in high school doing anything other than babysitting your younger siblings. Here are some thoughts that every oldest sibling has at some point in the process.

1. Yay! A baby brother or sister (or more)!

The excitement is absolutely real--at first. You daydream about watching them grow up, how much they'll adore you, and how much you'l get to teach them. You are excited to always have someone to hang out with and have fun with. However, the realizations of what having a younger sibling come along pretty quick.

2. Um, what is he doing playing with my blocks?

The transition from having all the toys in the playroom to yourself to always having a "playdate" to share them with was a tough one. If you were lucky your parents might have waited to give you a younger sibling until you were aging out of your toys anyway. You probably still had to share a lot of things, though, because younger siblings seem to always want to be just like their big brother or sister.

3. Stop pulling my hair!

Whether your hair was two inches long or twenty inches long, those little fingers could find enough to grip onto and yank. Why this seems to happen to older sibling than to any other person a kid interacts with I do not know. Countless older siblings have gone to school with sore scalps from their angelic little brothers or sisters yanking down on their hair. 'Ow' is an understatement.

4. Hey, Mom and Dad. Remember me? I'm eight years old and need you to pay less attention to my brother, thank you.

On top of already being sassy at eight years old, having younger siblings that always seem to need something can make a kid feel like their parents forgot they had another child first. We watch our parents, who once spent all of their extra time doting on us, pay attention to someone who just barely started forming sentences. It's tough to not feel betrayed.

5. Why do I have to make sure they get up in time to make the bus stop?

You're barely old enough to make sure you're completely ready for school yourself, so why is it suddenly your responsibility to make sure any other kids in the house get up in time for school? Not to mention the fact that younger sibs can be actual bears to wake up. Yeesh.

6. Did you say somebody called you a freak at school? Oh, heck no.

As annoying as younger siblings can be, let there be mercy on those who choose to pick on them. Being an older sibling makes you go through an odd combination of feeling hyper-protective of your mini-me and constantly wanting them to go away. We may get to pinch our little siblings or call them out for their cowlick that they hate, but nobody else gets to mess with them.

7. Wait, we're doing this AGAIN?

The shock has worn off from the first time, but you're still going through a whirlwind of emotions. For example, you're pretty sure you're now old enough to not hate your younger siblings simply for being younger. However, you really don't want to go through the process of getting used to another new person and whatever life they've lived before they come through the door.

8. Why do you think it's okay to wear my t-shirts?

No matter what gender you or your siblings are, all little siblings try to steal clothes from their older siblings. Since I only have brothers, this only worked with t-shirts and socks, and it only worked for a very short window of time before they started to outgrow me. Aside from the fact that it's just plain rude to take someone else's clothes, little siblings always seem to be more likely to get messy when they're wearing clothes that don't belong to them.

9. Wow, I think I really do like these people.

As we get older and our siblings start to catch up to us in intelligence and humor, we begin to not only tolerate but even enjoy conversation with them. We begin to enjoy the same music, movies, and pastimes, and thus start making memories at the same time we start building our identities. Getting out of the moody tween years also helps the world seem less awful.

10. Oh, I guess I'm the family taxi service now. That's cool.

If you're the oldest sibling, it's likely that around the time you turned 16 your parents made you a deal along the lines of, "We'll allow you to have a car as long as you promise to drive your siblings around to their activities." You were excited about the flash of freedom in front of you and said yes. Only months later, when your lovely little siblings decided to partake in double the amount of activities, would you realize the trap you walked into. So much for hanging out with friends of your own.

11. Why do they get the guinea pigs? I asked for a guinea pig for years!

The truth about being the firstborn is that you are your parents' guinea pig. You get all of the weird, super-strict parenting techniques tested out on you. Then, since you turned out mostly okay, your parents decide to dial it down a notch for your younger siblings. They get away with everything, and they seem to be able to have anything they want with just one request.

12. Duh I'm telling Mom. I'm not about to take the fall for you again.

If your younger sibling took an especially long time understanding the consequences of not getting chores done,
you probably know this situation very well: All your chores are done, none of theirs are. Mom will be home from work in thirty minutes, and when she walks in she will inevitably forget that certain chores were assigned to certain people. Therefore scolding responsible, angelic you just as badly as any lazy bums in the room. Your sibling knocked an antique vase off the mantle and wants you to be the one to shoulder the weight. No deal, dude.

13. Yes, Mom, it was me who knocked over the antique vase. I'm sorry.

How did this happen again? No wonder they think you do no wrong.

14. I'm going to college soon. Finally, away from these annoying kids!

An older sibling going to college is a person that is very full of excitement. No more dealing with the fighting, no more having your clothes stolen, no more having to change your schedule to fit theirs. Life is going to be so awesome being an adult and living away from home!

15. I miss them.

I was away at college for one week before my little brothers were begging me to come home and see them, and I was missing them so badly I almost ditched obligations just to do it. When you've spent most of your life loving and caring for someone, no matter how ornery and annoying they can be, you can't deny the bond you form with them. Younger siblings have a way of making you feel like you light up their world when you're feeling down on yourself, and the laughs you share with them are more precious than gold. I wouldn't trade mine for the world.

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