The first day of college as a freshman is something almost everyone thinks about at some point in their lives, but when it finally rolls around, typically almost nothing goes as expected. Here are some things that tend to be pretty universal experiences, and sum up the highs and lows that are the college experience.
1. I currently own two sheets of paper, one pencil, and a pen I stole from a hotel lobby. I. Am. Not. Prepared.
2. Would Google Maps please stop publicly announcing how lost I am to the rest of campus?
Also why is the first floor up a flight of stairs?
3. Look at all this freedom! I can do anything I want!
Proceeds to go to class, watch Netflix, and go to bed.
4. When is it acceptable to start wearing sweatpants to class? Day One? Please?
5. These textbooks cost so much that selling organs on the black market is starting to look tempting. How many kidneys do you really need anyway?6. Not sure if I’m starting to recognize people on campus, or just experiencing an extreme case of déjà vu.8. Can people tell, just by looking at me, that I’m a freshman? Do I radiate confusion?
9. If I have to introduce myself one more time as: Name, Hometown/State, Major, I’m going to scream.Checks schedule for six-thousandth time.
11. I’m going to go the gym every day! I have free access to it, and it’s right here.
*Goes to gym a grand total of four times in the whole semester. Three of those times being to get fresh water from the water fountain.*