It was spring of 2014. A bright-eyed high school graduate walked confidently into her collegiate audition. She introduced herself and then her music. At the end of her time with the professors, they told her they were looking forward to seeing her in the fall and she was ecstatic!
If you didn't catch on, that bright-eyed girl was me. Now, I'm the sleep-deprived senior in the cover photo who has been drinking Throat-Coat tea for the last three weeks trying to ward off any semblance of a scratchy voice. And here are 15 thoughts I'm sure every music major has had, at least once!
1. I Think I’ll Take 21 Credits!
2. This Is Tough
3. Why Is That Required Class Also 0 Credits?
Seriously though…
4. Practice, I’m Gonna Practice
5. These Are My People
6. Can’t, I Have Rehearsal
7. How Did I End Up Lugging This Instrument Across Campus?
8. I Cannot. Get. Sick.
9. And How Do These Gen. Eds Apply?
I’m sure that science lab is really going to come in handy in my musical career!
10. Nailed It!
11. That Person Is So Good, I Should Just Give Up Now
12. This Black Does Not Match That Black
Concert black, the blessing with a hidden curse.
13. Thank God For My Accompanist!
14. Wow, I Was A Part Of That
15. Looking Forward To Graduating, Sad To Be Leaving Friends
Can we just be here for a little while longer?
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