August is quickly coming to a close, which means that we'll all be headed back to school in no time! We all know this bittersweet nostalgia all too well; taking your last trip to the beach for the season and seeing the stores lined with supplies is familiar. Yet, what I've failed to realize is that this is the last time. The last summer spent dwelling over summer reading, comparing schedules with friends, and wondering what parking spot you'll have. All at once I feel as if I've been blasted into adulthood, and this last year is simply the goodbye tour. Amidst this, I'm beginning to see things differently, as I realize just how fast time has passed. So, here are 15 realizations that every senior can relate to.
1. This is it... kind of
This is it... kinda. This is the last true year to spend acting like a kid. This is the last year you can guarantee that you will see your best friend every day. This is the last year that you can expect to wake up on Saturday mornings and have your mom make you pancakes. For one last year, you get to make stupid mistakes and be accepted as a kid. Because next year... laundry is on you.
2. But this is also just the beginning
As much as I'll miss middle school bus rides, my high school teachers, and after school sports, there is something so fantastic in the idea that there is a whole new life out there waiting for us. Maybe it's a new city, a new class, or even just a new perspective. Sure, I'll miss the perks that come along with childhood, but the idea of going to college feels like the fresh new start that I've been waiting for.
3. So who's going to do all of my laundry now?
Realizing that the last few months as a high-schooler are upon me, I've begun to wonder how I'm going to take on the tasks of everyday life: meals, laundry, and of course, cleaning. These tasks just seem like a small step toward adulthood.
4. Where will I end up?
5. Who will stay and who will go?
We've spent our high school careers building relationships and friendships. And with each year, these relationships have both strengthened and weakened. It's easy to maintain friendships when you spent almost every day seeing them. So, I've begun to wonder which friendships will last, and which ones will be left with the memories of highschool.
6. Money!
To realize that there will come a day when a summer job isn't going to cut it is pretty scary. And with college comes some intimidating numbers, which makes me wonder how I'm going to be able to support a new lifestyle in college.
7. Graduation needs to come sooner
Sure, school hasn't even started, but I've driven by my school a few times, and realized how real my senioritis is. I'm ready to leave this school and this town, and to go find myself in some new city with lots of new people. We're more than 3/4 the way there, and I'm just ready to finish this home stretch and move on.
8. I can't wait to go to college!!
I'm not sure if there is anything like the idea of having a brand new life where people don't know anything about you. That, and taking classes you're passionate about is exciting.
9. I don't want to leave my home
But as I Google all these new schools and think about my dorm, I realize that there are some things that I will truly miss. My favorite pizza place, being only a drive down the road from my friends, and of course, my old room. Sure, I'm ready to get the heck out of my high school, but I'm not sure if I'm ready to say goodbye to my home.
10. I need to actually figure out a career path
Realizing that college classes actually cost money reminds me that I need to figure out what I'm doing with my life. Maybe I don't need to get everything together, but I need to figure out what I'm passionate about, and am willing to spend upward of 4 years learning about.
11. Will I gain the freshman 15?
Is that actually a thing? I mean, 15 pounds? Maybe I'm not ready to leave highschool just yet.
12. Will I miss high school?
Even if I'm not the biggest fan of my small school, will I regret these 4 years spent wishing for college to come sooner? I feel like I've blinked and time has gone by, and I don't want to look back and miss the "glory days."
13. This year better move quickly
Sure, graduation and senior photos all sound great, but I'm ready to get out of here once and for all!
14. What Now?
So my standardized tests are done and I've started applications... but what now? I'll just go to school, do what I need to do, but what about after that? How will my life change? And better yet, will I find a place that I love?