As college students, we like to act like we know what we're doing. We like to pretend that we know exactly what is going on and what assignments we're actually supposed to be doing. In reality, we're totally lost.
We convinced ourselves that since we grew up and moved out we were prepared. We worked four long and hard years to graduate high school and become college students. We prepared ourselves to become adults and live on our own. We thought for sure, in college, we were going to have our shit together.
We aren't good at this “adulting” thing, at least, not yet. We try, but sometimes we just can't adult. We have daily thoughts about the struggle of being a college student.
Here are 15 thoughts that truly describe our college life and the daily struggle.
1. I have beer and cheese in the fridge. Is that a meal?
2. Who thought it was a good idea to have an 8 a.m.?
3. I’ll remember to write that down.
4. Shit. Why didn’t I write that down?!
5. I have four essays, three discussion boards and two quizzes. I think I’ll take a nap first.
6. I’ll start working out on Monday.
7. Just kidding, I’ll start working out on Tuesday.
8. Okay. I'll just be chubby forever. This pizza is too good.
9. Is it $1 pitchers night yet?
10. Can I drop out yet?
11. Is it acceptable to wear what you did for your Monday classes to your Tuesday classes?
12. How many Netflix episodes of "Grey’s Anatomy" can I watch today?
13. I’ll just wing it.
14. I shouldn't have just winged it.
15. I’ll just call my mom. She’ll know what to do.
The quote, “Being 18-25 is like playing a video game where you’ve skipped the tutorial and you’re just sort of running about with no idea how anything works,” is college to a T. College is hard. The days are long and the classes and homework that's due is even longer. We wouldn't give up our days as college students for anything. We love the chaos and the crazy nights.
Plus, all the hard work we do just means we have a better excuse to order that margarita (or two) on Friday night to reward our self for surviving the week.
The years of being a college student are stressful, but they teach us so much. College is the time where we grow as individuals and discover who we truly are - Where we want to go in life, who we want to be and where we want to be. We discover our ambitions, our goals and realize our dreams. We find our passion and drive through the classes that we take and the organizations we join on campus.
If college hasn’t taught you anything about yourself, at least it taught you how to be a professional procrastinator and how to steal a parking spot.