Summer is the best season of the year. The weather is amazing, no school and no responsibilities. You can sleep until noon, not feel bad about not doing homework, and not have to worry about grades. Plus you are probably heading to the beach, the pool, and numerous concerts. However you probably all of a sudden have rules again, have a summer job (or lack there of), and thoughts of wanting to head back to college. You are excited to see your dog, your family, and maybe a few high school friends who are all home for the summer. However, after about a month and after family vacay you are ready to pack back up and move back out on your own.
1. Man, everyone really did miss me.
I know, I know what is there not to miss? I secretly missed them too (but still missed my dog more).
2. Is it time for the beach yet?
What do you mean you have to wait to get time off of work? It is summer?
3. Why did I ever choose to go to college? Well, the class part..
I could just become a stripper or something right? What was that doctor's son's name that my dad kept trying to introduce me to?
4. Yes, Netflix, I am still watching.
5. I still need to unpack.
Eh, why bother? I'll just have to repack anyways.
lol just kidding my parents are making me work.
7. I really do miss my school friends.
Or maybe just the variety of things to do on the weekends.
8. Why do my parents think they can give me a curfew in rules?
I am somehow still alive and not in jail without them during the school year. I know shocking, right Mom?
9. I wonder if my dog will fit in my suitcase and if my RA won't notice?
Even if they did notice he is too cute to kick out. I could just keep him in my bathroom or something.
10. Man, I missed mom's cooking.
Oh wait when did I gain the freshman 15 again? No, Mom, I do not want ANOTHER piece of pie, thanks though.
11. What am I going to do when I actually have a job that is all year round?
That just won't work for me.
12. Ugh, I hope I don't see any people from high school.
Maybe if I just walk away slowly... or act like I'm busy.
13. Whoops... slept until noon again.
No responsibilities, and no alarm clocks.
14. Man I missed my regular person sized bed.
Who thought twin extra longs were a good idea for college students?