Carving Pumpkins has always been a Halloween tradition. You go pick out the biggest pumpkin you can find and you attempt to lug it home so you can carve the freakiest, dorkiest jack-o-lantern into it. It's fun and gooey and something that no matter what, you do every year. But it can honestly be kind of a gross and stressful process. You have to scoop out all the guts and then figure out how you can carve a decent looking pumpkin! Regardless, carving pumpkins is a lot of fun and I've sure had these thoughts while carving mine.
1. Okay first thing's first, what am I going to carve this year
2. *scrolls through Pinterest for ideas*
Wow I'll never be able to make any of these...triangle shapes it is.
3. *Carving the top*
Well that wasn't so bad
4. Wow there's a lot of guts in there
7. ...and cold
8. What is this Mary Poppins' bag?!
9. Seriously though, when do the guts end?
10. Ahh finally
11. Now to trace my creation!
12. Well here goes nothing
13. Okay I'm not following my lines
14. Artistic freedom i guess
15. It's not perfect but he's cute
Happy Carving!! Have a fun and safe Halloween!