As a senior with a job set up after graduation I am at the point in the semester where I am so done. Sitting in class my mind begins to drift and as it does this is typically where it goes...
1. Why does this teacher think I care to learn?
2. Who else is graduating with me? Wait no, who is actually graduating?
3. What shoes am I going to wear?
4. Once I'm out of college I'm no longer a poor college student...I'm just poor.
5. Wheres the food?
6. 12 minutes until I can take a nap. Or I could just take a nap right here.
7. There's only seven people in class today. Why am I here?
8. Checks countdown. Checks again. And again. 39 days! I can do this!
9. What's an adult? How do I be one?
10. (Scrolling through Insta) Engagement photos, pregnancy pictures, wedding photos... oh.
11. Whens summer break? Wait, I don't get one!
12. My last name starts with a V. This ceremony is about to last a century!
13. Blah...Blah...Blah... I've heard this lecture 12,000 times.
14. (Checks bank account) $3...boy am I ready for an after college career.
15. If I walk out now and never come back will they still give me my diploma?