When you think cheerleading, you probably think of girls yelling "rah rah," holding pom pom's, wearing frilly skirts. But that isn't who I'm talking about. But, that isn't who we are.
We're the cheerleaders who don't cheer for another sport.
We cheer on each other. We're the cheerleaders who learn an elite two minute and thirty second routine that is complete with jumps, stunts, tumbling and dancing and compete it across the nation with our team on a 54x42 spring floor. We're the cheerleaders who wear sparkly bow's in our hair, have stunning uniforms and will blow your mind with how hard we work at practice just to perform for two minutes and thirty seconds.
We're the cheerleaders that you don't really see, unless you know us or recently saw Instagram's feature of NCA in Dallas. We're the cheerleaders that are taking over. Now, you probably don't get us, but we get each other on a whole different level. Once you find out somebody else was an All-Star Cheerleader, you click.
Here are just 15 signs you're the cheerleader that cheers for another sport; these are just things you know and understand if you are (or were) an All-Star Cheerleader:
1. You're always having to explain how Cheerleading is a sport.
Don't knock it till you try it.
2. "I can't, I have practice."
And raise your hand if you missed homecoming or prom in high school because you had a competition.
3. You know what a "Cheer hangover" is.
It's like a real hang over, but for minors after cheerleading competitions.
4. You know that when coach says "one more time," it means seventeen more times.
But don't roll your eyes at your coach, you'll condition for a half hour.
5. Icy hot, ace bandages and ice baths become your best friends.
We get punched, slapped, and face plant every single practice, but we get back up and keep going. We cry on the inside about it instead.
6. You own unlimited t-shirts about cheerleading.
"This one is from Majors 2015."
7. We have listened to cheer music while driving.
Something about Top Gun's mixes, I tell ya.
8. We have a favorite team, a favorite division, and an all time favorite routine.
World Cup Shooting Stars 2016 was gold, no denying.
9. Losing half your hair while brushing out cheer hair.
Took me four years before I got a hair piece. Highly recommend it.
10. Your teammates are closer than any other bond you have.
These are the people that literally save your life, and you spend most of your weekends and time with after-school.
11. Checking @cheerupdates.
Because you just want to know who hit at NCA.
12. Jammy at Jam Fest Events.
He is honestly horrifying and we all know it. (I also found this creepy video of him doing gangnam style, please enjoy.)
13. "What comes after 8?"
14. It's a whole different language.
A needle and a scorpion are body positions, a "back flip 360" is a standing full, a lib is when a flyer stands on one foot and you're silly if you think otherwise.
15. Always have to have more cheer bows.
You're not a cheerleader if you don't have an abundance of bows.