As a freshman going into college, the common questions run through your head as to whether you should take this or that, if that shirt will ever get worn, or whether or not you think you might have over pack your and your parents' car like I did. Something you won't question yourself about are the things that you might miss. Let me tell you that you will miss more than you can imagine, even the smallest things like the way your room smells even after one of your sweaty practices. You will miss it.
1. Your bed
Appreciate the bed you have now while you're at home because the twin size beds that you will soon have don't compare to the comfort of your normal bed. Once you go home for the first time after being away at college, suck it all in because it is the best feeling.
2. Hometown friends
People always say that true friendship last even if you go away for college. While this is true, most don't last unless it really is meant to be. Something you will miss the most about being away are your hometown friends. While you are out meeting new people, they might be experiencing something for the first time. You realize just how much you miss out on once you are away from them. Cherish it. Text them every single day and don't forget to remind them that they still matter.
3. Home cooked meals
Now, this was definitely something I missed the most; my dad's meals. While the campus food isn't exactly a 10/10, it makes you appreciate all the time your family takes to prepare the food they put on the table for you. The highlight of my trips home were all the food my parents would make for me because they know I haven't eaten anything besides chocolate chip cookies, caesar salads, and pizza since being away.
4. Your shower/bath tub
It kind of hits you once you look at your dorm shower that you will be spending a lot of time bathing in there as well as "I wonder how many people have used this bathroom or shower before me." Everyone says to take shower shoes and while I am sure that is smart, I went barefoot every time and look at me: still alive, still breathing, still healthy. Don't stress if your feet touch the bare ground, trust me it will be the least of your worries.
5. Family
The months before school came I could not wait to get out of my house. Finally, I was an adult and I would be on my own so that meant anything was possible and my path of freedom was wide open. It was wonderful at first but it made me homesick when my mom never questioned where I was or when I would be home. I never had anyone to check up on me. While it got annoying in high school, college made me miss it. You miss a lot while you are gone at school when it comes to siblings and your parents. Whether it is their first dance recital or football game, first Homecoming dance, Student of the Month, job promotions, etc. it will hurt you that you weren't there to witness it. Hold onto the moments that you are given with them because I promise you, you won't get any of them back.
6. Not having to do laundry
I hate admitting to it but I had not a clue how to do laundry before moving into college. My parents had inside jokes about how I would ask some cute boy to help me with it or that I just would let my clothes pile up and once I went home, wash them all. My parents aren't too good with humor but boy, they were right because that's exactly what I did. Learn how to do laundry, it will take you far.
7. Your animals
The quiet companionship that your animal holds is something that your new home at college will lack. The best feeling while walking through your front door when you take a trip home is when your animal(s) know that it it you coming through that door and they cannot help but jump with joy. Unless you are like me (I like to rebel) you won't be able to have animals living with you but that just makes people like myself want to work harder at school so when I am finished I can have any animal(s) and know that it is mine.
8. Privacy
Going to having my own room and bathroom at home then to a shared dorm room and a jail-cell-looking bathroom was not an easy adjustment but it is manageable. You will learn to thank life every day for giving you privacy for the first 18 years of your life because the next few are about to decrease the privacy you are able to have. Changing in your room and having someone open the door will happen. Getting out of the shower and trying to grab your towel before someone walks in to brush their teeth will happen. Going #2 while your roommates boyfriend walks in to use the other toilet will happen. Learn how to manage privacy while being open as an individual.
9. Having your "mommy" when you are sick
Whenever I got sick at home, I just had to tell my mom and she would make me soup or get me medicine. Being at college, I was lucky enough if my friends would get me cough drops. I have called my mom many times crying on the phone over strep, migraines, or the flu and all I really wanted was her. Being in college, I learned to become grateful for the time that she would drop anything in the world to take care of me.
10. Home
I told myself that I wouldn't miss the place that I came from but the more away from it, the more I realized that it is my roots. I came from a town that was small enough for everyone to know each other and that no matter what, it is home to me. You won't ever get a place like "home" back until you spread your wings and find out where you belong.
College really is all the fun it seems to be but don't forget to take a second out of your day to reminisce on how you got to that very moment and where life will take you. Home is where the heart is, experience is where the mind is: know which one to follow.