I believe that everyone needs to read this article. If you do not want to make a girl mad, then take my advice and never say these things to a female. It will save you one day. You know who you are.
15. Never call her fat, cause she's fine the way she is.
14. Never tell her to calm down, cause you'll only make it worse.
13. Never tell her that her friends or sisters are "hotter" than her.
12. Never tell her she can't do it, cause she can.
11. Never tell her her cooking was bad, cause she tried.
10. Never tell her she wears too much makeup, cause too much is never enough!
9. Never tell her she isn't beautiful, cause she is.
8. Never tell her monthly cramps aren't that bad, cause it is and you will get in trouble.
7. Never tell her she's had too much to drink, cause she can drink as much as you do.
6. Never tell a woman to settle down because she can wait if she wants to.
5. Never tell her she is crazy, that is asking for a slap in the face.
4. Please never utter the words, "I don't care"
3. Never tell her she looks tired because aren't we all?
2. Never tell her, "is that your real _____?"
1. Never tell her that she has too many feelings.
We all have made mistakes regarding on how to talk to a girl. It is important to remember how to improve future situations. Just remember what not to say. In the end, just make sure you don't say these things to any woman.