1. The most important part of summer was getting your class schedule
This determined what friends you would see the most, and it made open house a lot more fun!!! This was also the prime way to find out who you had A, B or C lunch with that way you could book it all the way to the pizza line.
2. Dominos Wednesday/Mozzarella sticks were the highlight of lunch
Honestly though, that pizza line was a blessing. If you had A or C lunch you were lucky if you could make it in and out of that line in under 5 minutes!
3. The AG hallway
This is home to the famous Mr. & Mrs. Cordrey. Between bunnies, ferrets, a hedgehog and who knows what other animals, you could definitely smell it! If Animal Science/Horticulture was your pathway, it smelled like home to you. If it wasn't, you tried your best to avoid the hallway.
4. "Haber... not a bear???"
You obviously didn't have Mr.Easter if you don't know this famous quote that was said AT LEAST every day. On top of that, watching Jurassic Park with Spanish Subtitles and the rest of his cheesy jokes were always a way to brighten your spirits.
5. Discipline Assemblies
This was basically the time where you would wait to hear your grade get called down to the auditorium to go over dress code, and to either get yelled at or praised for how well your class is behaving. This was also probably the only time most of your class was together besides graduation.
6. Speaking of.... dress code *queue eye rolls*
Why were yoga pants not allowed???? Still a mystery to me??? "Fake jeans.???" Hello??? Some people like to be comfortable while they learn. I go to UD and have been attending class in leggings and guess what... not a distraction to the male population!!!
7. You had your "pathway friends" and were probably close with those teachers
For those of you who didn't go to IRHS, a pathway is kind of like a major that you choose in college. There's different ones like, Animal Science, JROTC, Business, Art, and so many more. For those that did go to IRHS, you always had your friends in your pathway that were basically in every single class with you, and you and the teacher were pretty tight.
8. Senior rights!!! (AKA the picnic tables)
Literally sitting outside for lunch was the best part about being a senior.... or so we thought. Yep thats right. All of us are still traumatized by our bee encounters from sitting out on a "nice day."
9. Open Gym
tbh open gym was the best time ever. No one telling you what to do, not being subjected to a horrifying game of dodgeball.... it was a blast for everyone.
10. Basically driving around all of Sussex County for Drivers Ed.
Ok so we got pretty lucky being able to take drivers ed for free in HS. The best part was getting out of class and BASICALLY driving ALL around Sussex County for a couple of hours to pass our driving test. (Blue Slips here we come!!!)
11. Football games!!!
yasssss... let us not forget when we were Southern Division Champs!!! Football games were a fun time to hang out with friends and watch the game, or if you were those people to pay like 5 dollars to not watch the game and sit over by the concession stand and talk with your friends.
12. Band!!!
Yep, right after Football comes our band. Our sweet sweet band, and if you were a part of it you were one of the lucky ones! A true family that fought and loved each other equally. There wasn't anyone else in the world I would want to go to Disney with my senior year and march in front of Cinderella's Castle.
13. If there was a fight, you heard about it approx. 5 minutes after it happened.
Sussex County is pretty small. IR might have a little under 1,000 students but word gets around quick.
14. If un-needed drama didn't make you cry, banquet season did.
Sports, clubs and everything else. Banquet season might as well just be "let's cry because I'll miss most of you people."
15. Graduation will always hold a special place in your heart.
Even if you hated IR and never want to look back, you will always remember graduation. For class of 2015 graduation was best remembered by David Chan's speech that roasted the teachers and had the most hilarious jokes ever. It was also a SUPER good graduation if it was outside instead of in the gym.