March 14th to the 27th I went on a road trip from Nashville, Tennessee to Sacramento, California. It was an eye opening adventure! My mom, grandparents, and I piled into our mini-van and spent four days driving across the country. You learn a lot about yourself when you are stuck in a van for so many days, and you learn a lot about our beautiful country!
1. You will need ice cream to survive.
SO much ice cream. (Especially from Braum's in OK)
2. How to make a sandwich in the back of a moving mini van.
This skill is very important for when you get tired of all the fast food or get stuck in traffic.
3. There is a ridiculous desert in our country.
It is beautiful and huge, but not fun to drive through. ( I think I have opposite claustrophobia...those wide open spaces were a little too much for me sometimes! a.k.a. TEXAS)
4. Petrified wood is colorful and beautiful.
5. Route 66 is legit, Cars isn't lying.
6. There are places in our country that look like Mars.
For example,The Painted Desert and The Grand Canyon.
7. Coloring books are life savers.
8. Sometimes you will just want to go home least make it to the hotel as soon as possible.
9. You may be at the Grand Canyon on the same day as Justin Bieber.
10. Yosemite is incredible.
A few hours there is not enough. Plan for more time!
11. You can spray paint Cadillacs in Amarillo, Texas.
12. Pacific Ocean waves and Redwood trees are both huge!
13. Orchards and farms and windmills, oh my!
All of these can be found literally all along the road!
14. We live in a majestic nation, from sea to shining sea!
15. But, it's always great to come home (and see your pets) again!
I'm so thankful for the experience and the memories that I made on this trip. That time with my grandparents and mom is something I will never forget. The things I saw were so much better than any books or movies or pictures can show. If you ever get the chance to go on a road trip, TAKE IT!