I think that we can all agree, being a kid was pretty great. I mostly look back on my childhood very fondly, remembering all the care-free days I spent with my friends and family. Sometimes though, it could be a little bit rough. From having to spend the whole afternoon getting the "perfect" family photo to getting attacked at a petting zoo, here are 15 things that you hated as a kid.
1. Family photos.
Yes. This took all afternoon.
2. Trying to figure out the computer password.
3. Multiplication tables.
4. Eating school lunches.
Yep, that's about right.
5. Having to hold the flashlight.
Hold the flashlight, they said. It would be fun, they said.
6. Popsicles that came in plastic.
Popsicles? I think you mean frozen mouth knives.
7. Watching your friends play when you were grounded.
8. Getting a flu shot.
You can't stab what you can't catch.
9. Having to go to bed when the sun was still up.
Can I still hear...BIRDS?!
10. Sitting through church.
There better be donuts after this.
11. Cars interrupting the winning shot during a street game of soccer.
12. Having to move to a new part of town.
13. Being the new kid in school.
Hello Awkward. My name is Kyle.
14. Braces...oh my braces.
The psychological scars are so real.
15. Never getting to eat the foods you wanted.
But all in all, being a kid was still pretty awesome.