1. You are worth so much more than you're settling for.
A relationship, a friendship, a job, a school, a state that doesn't make you happy is one that you don't need to be in. Respect yourself enough to make a change.
2. It gets better.
You need to know that there is more to life. You are not alone. Part of life is going through rough patches and that doesn't make you weak.
3. There are things you don't know. Things you will never know. There's still so much to learn.
This is a daunting factor to engage your thoughts with but allow it to excite you rather than scare you.
4. There will always always always be something to do.
Try to not overwhelm yourself.
5. Most things are not life or death.
Take a second to breathe and then attack the problem.
6. Heartbreak can come from friend and family just like with a significant other.
Your heart will heal, sooner than you realize.
7. Live for yourself.
Be a little selfish. The only thing you have forever is yourself.
8. Do whatever you must to be your own best friend.
You deserve to love yourself. To live a life in unity with yourself not fighting your you.
9. Travel. Don't forget to travel.
We get so caught up in what needs to get done that we don't make time to see places and do things. This is is so important.
10. You will not be the person for everyone and that's okay.
To someone that sees you as a penny, another will see you as priceless. Do not get hung up on the one who doesn't see your worth.
11. Work hard. So hard.
If you aren't the best at something naturally then be the hardest worker. This outdoes any natural trait.
12. Fight for what you love and what you believe in.
At the end of the day you don't want to feel as if you fell victim to society or other people's expectations.
13. Be patient.
A true virtue not many have. Great things take time.
14. Push kindness in the world. Especially in times when havoc is everywhere.
It doesn't take much to be kind so do that.
15. Don't stop growing.
Even as you age, do not cap your mental capacity to learn. It is never ending.