Okay, so we all know someone or are someone who is overly happy, too smiley, and way too excited about life. They seem to talk a lot, use too many exclamation marks in text messages and maybe even act like they just snorted some cocaine. But have no fear, if you're like me and have a bubbly personality, I'm here to tell you there are more of us out there in the world. We might have our struggles, but deep down it's great to be the lively happy go lucky girl, trust me.
1- People who don't know you well think you're stupid.
It's okay though, your GPA is probably higher than theirs anyways.
2- Your good friends know you as the one that is always too happy.
If friends and family know you best and love that you're so lively all the time.
3- Your friends also always ask you to talk on the phone when you order pizza or ask the pedestrian on the street how to get to the store because you come across to be the most "friendly"
4- No one takes you seriously...ever
This is so true that it's not even funny.
5- There can only be so many embarrassing snaps/tweets/pictures of you.
You also have way too many moments where people say "Omg can you guess what Katie just said?"
6- You love everyone (or at least try to see the good in most people).
Your friends may hate some people and talk about it often. Yeah, you might feel the same hate towards that said person, but you always try and say a positive thing about the hated person. It's just what you do and you don't even know you're doing it.
7- Also, you try to see the good in everything you do.
The class you're taking this year is so hard. You complain about it often but at the end of the day you know it's only going to make you a stronger better student.
8- You're most likely on the girly-er side of the spectrum.
Forget being a tom-boy or emo, you'd rather dress in brighter prettier colors to fill your day with joy.
9- You love to dance and let loose at parties.
Probably embarrass yourself too, but whatever.
10- You always have the wackiest ideas.
"Guys lets all go skinny dipping at the lake tonight it'll be so fun"
11- Bright colors make you happy
12- You have your sad & mad days but in the long run you try to lift yourself up and get to being happier faster.
Because who wants to be depressed all the time?
13- You're told to use inside voices or that you're too loud
Your loud and dramatic, so? Sorry not sorry.
14- You get really excited for upcoming events/parties/holidays more than the regular person.
Christmas and birthday's make you go crazy. You LOVE it.
15- Your enthusiasm and passion is what makes people love you, so embrace being the bubbly girl.
Just like Elle Woods, you set your goals high. Bubbly people go after what they want no matter what people think about them, it's just in our nature.