Here are a couple of things I do to make sure I'm taking care of myself and watching out for my mental health :)
Get some sleep.
GiphyYou'll feel less irritable and will think faster on your feet. It's amazing how much the quality of your day can change with just one extra hour of sleep.
Do some journaling.
GiphyWriting all your thoughts down can be an instant stress reliever. Seeing everything down on paper makes your stress seem less daunting and also helps you record how much you've grown and set goals for yourself.
Drink some coffee.
GiphyThe best part of my day is when I walk to Dunkin Donuts and get my iced coffee. It's something small but constant that I look forward to in the morning. Find something that makes you happy and do it everyday.
Listen to some music.
GiphyBetter yet, with friends in a car. There's nothing like a good bop to remind you how fun life can be.
Have some good laughs.
GiphyLaughter really is the best medicine-it has been scientifically proven to boost your immune system.
Call your mom.
GiphyThe sound of you mom's laughter on the phone-or listening to her tell you a story about her trip to the grocery store-never fails to put you in a good mood.
Don't compare yourself to others.
GiphyComparing yourself to another is like comparing apples to oranges. We're all beautiful in our own ways and we should appreciate ourselves as such.
Go somewhere alone.
GiphyIt can be nice to get out and get away-there's something inexplicably calming and powerful about walking the streets alone.
Go thrift shopping.
GiphyAll the good that comes with picking out new clothes for yourself and none of the bad that comes with spending money. You're also saving the environment!
Do some skin care.
GiphyWash off all the oil and dirt and stress from the day. The physical cleaning, and even the mere act of taking time of of the say to care for yourself, makes you feel so much clearer mentally.
Talk to people about how you feel.
GiphyYour family and friends are always there for you. Even though sometimes it's hard to open up to them, it's always refreshing to let people know what's up and to allow them to share your burden.
Live in the present moment.
GiphyToo much of our time and energy is spent living in the past or worrying about the future. The only thing you can control is the present and it's relieving to only have to focus on that.
Just breathe.
GiphyLife is good-remember to take it all in. Even when it's hard, just breathe and remember that it's good.