In my life, I have experienced troubles and trials, and through these I have grown and I have learned many lessons. However, there are certain lessons that I believe if I had learned earlier in life, I would've been able to avoid the pain and trouble of many situations. These are just a handful of the lessons I wish I had learned earlier in life.
1. Hold tight to your friends, and cherish the closeness that you feel.
They are your support group, they are your backbone, and without them, who would we be?
2. What you WANT, is not what you NEED.
There will always be people trying to tell you the difference between the two, and sometimes they are right. Sometimes your desires are just that, a desire.
3. Enjoy being "in the moment."
The past is already too far gone, and the future is too far ahead. The only thing that is truly real is what you are feeling now, so enjoy it.
4. You won't be young forever.
Your body, your actions, your mind, it is all fleeting, so appreciate and take care of yourself now, because now is the beginning of forever.
5. Betrayal is about them, not about you.
You don't deserve to be disrespected, you don't deserve pain. If someone hurts you, that is because of them, not because of you.
6. Don't be afraid to forgive others. More importantly, don't be afraid to forgive yourself.
Everybody makes mistakes and everybody can change. We grow and develop, we must recognize that.
7. Trust your heart.
We can't let fear stop us, we shouldn't look back three years and regret huge opportunities that we missed because we didn't listen to our hearts. Trust your instincts, if you believe this is your best path, then take it, and run like you've never run before.
8. Enjoy the little things.
Life is hectic, it is messy, and full of chaos. Every now and then, we must stop and look around, stop staring at the whole picture and focus on one color. One small detail. Appreciate it for what it is, a part of a grander picture.
9. Sex does NOT change you.
Your body is special, it is sacred, and sex is not a tool. It will not make others love you, and it won't change the way you view yourself. Don't engage to change. Engage because you want to do so, because you want to create that bond.
10. Ask for help.
Life is trying, it is a race track we never leave. It is full of trials we cannot hope to complete alone, everytime you fall, don't be afraid to ask for a helping hand.
11. Plan, but be flexible.
Life is not a straight line, and no one follows the same course. Don't compare your journey to others, because you are not them, you are you. Follow your course, not another's.
12. Be kind.
Life is too short not to be kind, it is that simple.
13. Approve of yourself.
At the end of the night, you go to sleep with yourself, not your neighbors, or your friends. When you lay in bed at night and you look at the ceiling, be happy with what you have done and who you've become.
14. Have faith.
In yourself, in others, and in something you don't know. Faith could save you and help you through your darkest time, and little faith makes a long impact. So close your eyes, and place your trust carefully.
15. Life isn't forever.
Soon you will be dead, we all will be, but as you lay there dying, smile for all you've done. You want to be able to look back upon your life and smile, smile for the friends you've made, the choices you've decided, and the roads you have paved. Life isn't forever, so don't waste the time you are given.