There's no doubt about it. Winter is definitely here. It's my first snow in college, and with school being out, my friends and I have had to come up with different ways to entertain ourselves. Whether you're looking for fun ways to keep warm, or you're just tired of being asked if you "wanna build a snowman," this list is for you.
1. Make a playlist.
Trust me. There's nothing better than finding some music to jam to when the weather changes. Whether you're making a new playlist or finding new songs to add to an old one, music is always the way to go. Dancing is a nice way to warm yourself up, too.
2. Play freeze tag.
Nothing can make you truly experience being "frozen" in freeze tag better than snow. It's a fun game to play in the summer, but even more fun in the snow; people actually do get harder to catch when the alternative is being stuck in the snow until someone gets to you. Try it out!
3. Go on a nature walk.
Something I recently discovered I really enjoyed was going into the gardens behind my campus and taking pictures. Sometimes I took pictures of the trees around me, and sometimes I took pictures with my friends. Either way, it was a fun experience, and an activity I'll look forward to doing every time it snows.
4. Play Tic-Tac-Snow.
This is exactly what you think it is. take a couple of sticks and draw a Tic-Tac-Toe board in the snow. Then, use rocks and sticks to play the game.
5. Make snow cream.
This is something that my mom introduced me to last year. If you find a fresh patch of snow, you can make this delicious little treat at home in only 20 minutes. Here's the recipe, if you'd like to try it out:
1 gallon clean snow
1 cup white sugar
1 tablespoon vanilla extract
2 cups milk
Directions: When it starts to snow, place a large, clean bowl outside to collect the flakes. When full, stir in sugar and vanilla to taste, then stir in just enough milk for the desired consistency. (Courtesy of AllRecipes)
6. Build a snow fire.
This is something I just recently learned someone could do. Place dry wood on top of a mound of patted-down snow, light it, and watch it melt. It's safe, easy, and a great way to spice up a winter bonfire.
7. Catch snowflakes.
We all know how to catch snowflakes the old-fashioned way, but if you want to add a new twist to it, take some black paper and go run around to catch a few flakes. No two are alike, and the design left at the end will definitely be Instagram-worthy.
8. Make a snow angel.
This is always a fun thing to do. In my experience, it's best to do this right after a fresh snowfall, when the snow hasn't had time to get too hard.
9. Catch up on reading.
With all the business of life, sometimes I find it hard to read the way I used to. Snow days slow us down and allow us to take some time to relax. With all of this extra free time, I like to dedicate part it to reading.
10. Or catch up on shows.
I don't know about you, but it seems like weekends aren't enough time for me to get caught up on all of my shows. But snow days, when I have nothing to do, and all the time in the world? Perfect.
11. Take a nap.
Next to Saturdays, snow days are the perfect days to indulge in your laziness and catch up on your rest. (Double points if it's snowing on a Saturday.)
12. Play a board game... or two.
Need a fun way to pass your time? Nothing better than sitting down to a good old-fashioned board game. Video games are cool, but there's something about sitting down with cardboard between you that brings people together -- or tears them apart, depending on what you're playing.
13. Make some winter comfort food.
You can invite your friends over for a bake off, or gather together to learn how to make that cake pop off of Pinterest. And don't forget the hot drinks! Just because I said "food," it doesn't mean a tasty cup of hot cocoa has to be excluded! Whether it's something you can eat or something you can drink, there's nothing better than having something hot on a cold, snowy day.
14. Go sledding.
You don't have to visit the mountains to go sledding. Whether you use the hill behind your house or the streets in your neighborhood, there's always something to go down. So grab your sled -- or a cardboard box -- and hit those slopes!
15. Have a snowball fight.
Yep. You knew it had to be here. No snow day is ever complete without a good snowball fight. I saved this one for last, because that's exactly what it should be on your list of things to do -- the last thing. This will leave you completely worn out and cold, so it's best you put this at the end of your to-do list so that the next thing you can look forward to is getting warm (and maybe check out some of my indoor options on my list).
Stay warm and enjoy your snow while it lasts!