Let's say that homo sapiens came from apes, crazy idea..I know but just go with it. That would mean that we are animals, you know, creatures! Which would make me assume that we have instincts and talents. Things that would allow for the survival of the fittest. But we have traveled very far from our ape-man roots and I think on Doomsday without these essential keys of life, no one will make it! Human kind as it is known by hopefully only human kind, will be lost. Without these 15 things, it's over. No one could possibly survive, no matter their survival instincts. These are 15 things that we cannot live without and if you don't believe me, just try to live without them.
1. Chocolate & Sweets
Chocolate when I am mad or when I am sad. Chocolate when I am happy and when I am tired. Chocolate when I am bored, chocolate all of the damn time.
2. Dogs & Pets
If you can live without that, you let me know..so I can ignore your existence.
3. Music & Media
Putting headphones on or even blasting speakers just to escape the world and the sound of my sister singing in the shower, ahhhhh we all need that.
4. Cuddles & Love
How could one survive without the essence of a cuddle?
5. Friends & Family
Someone has to be there to drink, cry and be evil with, every time.
6. Money
Let's face it, all we have to do is make enough money to not be homeless and die. Those are basically the two universal goals of life.
7. The Internet
It has been many years since we have looked to concrete slabs and cave drawings to learn information, what would survival be without Google?
8. Smartphones
To be blunt, one cannot live without their life...
9. Ice Cream
The sweet, cold churned beauty that is appropriate for all times of the day with endless options of toppings, garments and sugary attributes. Nothing can compare to the glimmering melt of ice cream and no one can live without it...unless you don't like it or are lactose intolerant in which case, nevermind.
10. Wine
Sometimes, you just gotta lean your head back and forget about some things, it also goes PERFECT with cheese, which if you hadn't heard, I like. (So sorry, inside joke).
11. Days Off
Thank you Bueller, finally, someone understands me! I had 42 absences in the 12th grade. And I am a complete nurd. So, sometimes you just have to take a day off to survive. Also, other sources of knowledge have much more interesting topics than public school..
12. Netflix
Netflix is to me as water is to Bikini Bottom.
13. Luck
Without a little luck, well, you'd probably be dead. Think of how lucky you are every day to not got through some of the traumas you see others go through, and perhaps they are not going to survive. You need some luck!
14. Inspiration
You can't survive without the motivation to survive! It'll be tough to survive the apocalypse, only the ones who truly want it will survive.
15. Day & Night
So no, you don't need Oxygen or natural resources or water or a heart. That's a myth, these are what you really need.