One of my greatest pride and joys in life is being a little sister. I get to be annoying, yet everyone still loves me. To my older sister and brother who I've had the pleasure of bugging for the past eighteen years, I adore you. I know we all live in different towns, and have different jobs, but there will never be a time when I don't feel like you're there for me. That being said... I have a few things I think that you need to know.
1. I brag about you both to all of my new friends.
From working in a hospital to blowing glass, I make sure everyone at school knows I have the best older brother and sister. I talk as if I am a proud mom, but I am just so amazed with how much you both have accomplished.
2. Although I don't text you constantly, I am ALWAYS thinking about you.
You guys are on my mind all day, and I’m always wondering what you’re up to and how you’re doing. Sometimes that means checking your Facebook or Instagram, but sometimes that means texting you at 2 a.m. to see what you’re doing.
3. Whenever I need to gossip, I know I can call either of you to go on and on about my drama.
Although I’m sure you hate the long phone calls about my ex or about the stupid thing my dog did, you guys listen and at least pretend to care. I appreciate it more than you know.
4. I know that even when I feel all alone, I have two forever friends within you guys.
Sometimes living in a dorm can get lonely, and I feel like all my friends have moved on and changed. That’s never the case with you. You are stuck with me, as I am with you.
5. Although I am being sweet, I still remember all the times I was picked on for being youngest.
Everything from being last to do things or having to have teachers know me as “Katie’s little sister”, you never failed to remind me I am the youngest.
6. If I can be half the person you are, I will be content.
From your kind spirits to your sense of humor, I know that you’re the most genuine people in my life. My whole life, I have tried to become the people you guys are.
7. When I’m making a stupid choice, I have to think about what you would do in my situation.
From spending $6.00 on Ben and Jerrys, or how to walk into a room full of strangers for a glassblowing lesson, I know exactly what you would do in my shoes. That means no to the ice cream, and walk into the lesson confidently.
8. I see grandpa in both of you.
Bryan, your sense of humor and genuine love for what you do even if it isn’t the typical route. Katie, your passion for helping others and your compassion and love for life inspires me daily. He would be SO proud of you getting a new job. Although our first sunshine might not physically be here, you both are my sunshine on ANY cloudy day.
9. I love being sarcastic and joking with you. Not everyone has our sense of humor.
I definitely can’t make the same stupid jokes about having an evil mindset or “420 with mom” here. People don’t laugh and I feel silly. I need you for that.
10. I wish I could visit more.
I know you both want me to visit, and I wish I was able to. Driving an hour isn’t bad, but between classes and events on campus, sometimes it feels like there is no time. I’m not putting you on the back burner, I promise.
11. I can't wait to move home for summer break.
Being close to you is the best gift I could I ask for. Spending my summer at home being able to bug you guys for three whole months... can’t wait!
12. Thank you for screwing up so that mom and dad were easier on me.
From sneaking out to saying you were at a friend’s house when you were at a party… or totaling your cars, it makes everything I do look so much less bad. Thank you.
13. I want you guys to be happy.
You deserve it. Whether it is with a significant other, a new job, or moving to a new city, I want you to find your happiness.
14. No matter what happens in life or where we go, we will always have each other.
Don’t ever forget that. I know you guys would do anything for me, and same goes for you two. I’m always here even if not physically.
15. I’m sorry for being the annoying little sister.
Tagging along, being a pest, it’s a younger sister’s specialty. I just want to be around you guys all the time and I know it comes off as annoying. I am sorry.
Bryan, Katie, you are both my rocks. I adore you and aspire to be you. Thank you for being you.
Love always, your (somewhat annoying) little sister